Attachment Library

Amber Khanna
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

Anyway, the same attachment can be selected to be attached to a row in another sheet. This is a common problem. We run projects, and upload files to the project sheet. But each project could have several sheets. And the same attachment is required on other sheets as well. Is there a way to have a central area for attachments for each workspace or a folder. 

For example, we have a few sheets - but below is just one scenario.

Project Folder

  • Project Sheet
    • the central sheet will all tasks and WBS.
    • relevant attachments are added to each row, for easy access
  • Project Documents
    • This is maintained so documents can be shared with outside party because it's simply easier to send the row with attachment via email to the third party.
    • The issue is that the same documents have to be uploaded again to this sheet.

Just like in basecamp, there is a dedicated area where all project files can be added. Anyway, this can be handled by either using workspace or folders, so all documents are only uploaded once and then can be easily added to each row in various sheets used by the same project.



  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Amber,

    Smartsheet currently doesn't have this type of repository built-in, although you might consider creating a sheet that serves as your "attachment repository." This system works best if your attachments are being uploaded to a third-party online file storage/sharing system such as dropbox or google drive. You can copy and paste URLs to files from those services into a cell of your repository sheet.

    When you have a moment, please submit a Product Enhancement Request using the form under Quick links on the right of the community site to let our Product team know that you'd like to have this feature added to Smartsheet.