Add Ons and Integrations

Add Ons and Integrations

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Webform Error message - can anyone help?

edited 06/14/22 in Add Ons and Integrations

Hello ,

We use smartsheet webforms for daily reports for some of our volunteer workers..this works fine when the forms are filled out on a computer, however when filled out in our school app and submitted, they get the attached error message saying "this form is not found".  Despite this, we still receive the reports into the smartsheet, but it is stopping people from filling them out since they think they are not being received. 

Any ideas why this might be? or how to disable this message from showing up?

Hoping theres an easy fix!


Error Message.jpg


  • Community Champion

    It looks like there might be a redirect applied to the form when it's submitted. Have you checked the advanced options for when the form is submitted? It might be redirecting to an old form or something that doesn't exist? 

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