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Feature Request: Reminders with a custom days before/after or more day options

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I am interested in setting up a reminder for rows where the 'Target Date' column is 30 days away. I'm only able to set reminders 14 days before a date, but it would be really helpful to send reminders at least a month out for more long-term projects.


  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Colleen—you're right, 14 days is the current limit on Reminders. I've passed your feedback along to our Product team for a larger range (30 days).


    With that being said, there is a workaround you might try:

    1. Create a new date column in your sheet and title it "Reminder Date" or something to the like.

    2. Place a formula in that new column that subtracts 30 days from your original date column: =[Due Date]1 - 30

    You should see a date returned that is 30 days before your original date column.

    3. Create a Reminder based on your new date column. 




    You can even hide the Reminder Date column by right-clicking the column header and selecting Hide Column.

  • Colleen

    Oh, that's a great idea. Thanks!

  • Christine Mick
    edited 01/23/17

    +1 for adding custom option

This discussion has been closed.