Archived 2016 Posts

Archived 2016 Posts

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resource-based Notifications per line item

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi community


I recently created a sheet which employees in our company can complete through a webform.


I was wondering if it is possible to send a notification to one of our team members in case a certain field is chosen (dependency driven notifications).


For example, if a record is added by an employee and one of the fields says 'Finance', our team member supporting fincance would get a notification. Keeping in mind that the name of the team member is not part of the record.


Thanks for your insights.





  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Jan

    this should be fairly easy to do using the Alerts function based on your chosen criteria? You may need to add the right data trigger?

    Hope that helps


  • If you want alerts to fire off to a user they need to be shared to the sheet too

  • edited 12/18/16

    Previously on Smartsheet's roadmap that was available on the website, there is a future enhancement coming out for enhanced notifications that will allow us to drill down the notifications further.  Definitely watch for this when you get notification of new enhancements in Smartsheet in upcoming releases.


    For now - Richard and Tony have shared what functionality is available today with alerts via reminders and notifications.


  • One more tip - I have also created role based reports from the underlying sheet that either the resources know to go to everyday to see 'what's new' for them *or* even schedule the report to go out as a pdf to the resource/role based team at a frequency (include the URL in  the body) so that its fed to them as needed in their email inbox as a reminder.

    * You can set the criteria in the report so that it's relevant to this resource group (in your example the Finance team) and any other criteria such as new in the last 7 days.

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