Pre-populated form

Genevieve Van Buhler
edited 10/26/20 in Smartsheet Basics

I have two forms, one where an applicant fills out and it populates the smart sheet. Then as the users update columns, they need to send a 2nd form that is filled out to the applicant. I have the URL creating in a column and when the email goes to the applicant, all fields are populating correctly.

However, when my staff wants to check the URL to make sure it is populating, not all fields are populating.

Any ideas

="" + SUBSTITUTE([Date of Request]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Title%20Company%20Name=" + SUBSTITUTE([Title Company Name]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Title%20Company%20Attention=" + SUBSTITUTE([Title Company Attention]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Title%20Company%20Address=" + SUBSTITUTE([Title Company Address]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Title%20Company%20Phone=" + SUBSTITUTE([Title Company Phone]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Title%20Company%20Email=" + SUBSTITUTE([Title Company Email]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Closing%20Date=" + SUBSTITUTE([Closing Date]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Buyer%20Name=" + SUBSTITUTE([Buyer Name]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Service%20Address=" + SUBSTITUTE([Service Address]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Will%20Owner%20Occupy=" + [Will Owner Occupy]@row + "&amp&Mailing%20Address%20of%20New%20Owner=" + SUBSTITUTE([Mailing Address of New Owner]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Forwarding%20Address%20for%20Seller=" + SUBSTITUTE([Forwarding Address for Seller]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Other%20Information%20Requested=" + SUBSTITUTE([Other Information Requested]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Account%20Number=" + SUBSTITUTE([Account Number]@row, " ", "$20") + "&amp&Sewer%20Date%20from=" + SUBSTITUTE([Sewer Date from]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Sewer%20Date%20to=" + SUBSTITUTE([Sewer Date to]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Sewer%20Amount=" + SUBSTITUTE([Sewer Amount]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Storm%20Drain%20Date%20from=" + SUBSTITUTE([Storm Drain Date from]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Storm%20Drain%20Date%20to=" + SUBSTITUTE([Storm Drain Date to]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Storm%20Drain%20Amount=" + SUBSTITUTE([Storm Drain Amount]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Late%20Fees%20Amount=" + SUBSTITUTE([Late Fees Amount]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&TOTAL%20PAID=" + SUBSTITUTE([TOTAL PAID]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&TOTAL%20DUE=" + SUBSTITUTE([TOTAL DUE]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Fee%20Due%20Date=" + SUBSTITUTE([Fee Due Date]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Subtotal=" + SUBSTITUTE(Subtotal@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Late%20Fees%20Date%20from=" + SUBSTITUTE([Late Fees Date from]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Late%20Fees%20Date%20to=" + SUBSTITUTE([Late Fees Date to]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&County%20Amount=" + SUBSTITUTE([County Amount]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Fee%20Due%20Date=" + SUBSTITUTE([Fee Due Date]@row, " ", "%20") + "&amp&Comments%20to%20Title%20Company=" + SUBSTITUTE([Comments to Title Company]@row, " ", "%20")

