Is there a way to auto-group form submissions/rows on the source sheet?

By default, the information that is submitted via a Form populates the Sheet's rows in oldest-to-newest order. I'd like to have the information submitted via the Form auto-group/sort according to the values in one or two of the Sheet/Form fields once it is populated to the Sheet. Would anyone be able to guide me on whether this is possible? Thank you!

Simplified example below of how the data might come in from the Form (with older entries first):

Row - Person - Customer - Submission Date

Row 1 - Seller A - Customer 1 - 1/7/21

Row 2 - Seller B - Customer 2 - 1/12/21

Row 3 - Seller A - Customer 3 - 1/15/21

Row 4 - Seller A - Customer 1 - 1/16/21

Row 5 - Seller C - Customer 4 - 1/18/21

Ideally, I’d like to see this auto-grouped/auto-sorted first by Person and then by customer:

Row - Person - Customer - Submission Date

Row 1 - Seller A - Customer 1 - 1/7/21

Row 2 - Seller A - Customer 1 - 1/16/21

Row 3 - Seller A - Customer 3 - 1/15/21

Row 4 - Seller B - Customer 2 - 1/12/21

Row 5 - Seller C - Customer 4 - 1/18/21

Thank you!
