Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Can a proof link to a report and not a sheet?

We have a master document that is only updated and fed by a form and reports. Now that I am using the proofing module, the alert from my artist takes my people to our master document and not the reports they work from. We just had an employee working in the master document which could have been a disaster (2 years of CRM data). I want to prevent them from sorting, deleting or adding info directly in the master.

I need the employees to have editor rights so they can update their sales activity in their reports but I want to protect the data in the master sheet.

Is there a way to have the proofing push the notification to only the report? Or, is there a way to protect the master from editing without blocking data input from reports?

Thanks for your help,


  • Hang in there Kevin...Someone has a solution for you.

  • Employee
    edited 11/02/21

    Hi @Kevin Coutts

    What plan-type are you on? If you are on an Enterprise plan, I would suggest housing your Report in a Workapp so that you don't need to share the underlying sheets to your editors (see: Workapps Overview)

    Another alternative would be the Premium Add-On Dynamic View, which again would allow access to update rows without providing access to the underlying sheet (see: Dynamic View)

    If you don't have either of these options, would you be able to clarify what alert you are sending out? If it's based in a Workflow, you could configure the email to only send a message, providing the URL to the Report in the message, instead of including the Sheet link and Fields (see: Customize the content of your alerts and requests)

    However, if you're referring to the general Proofing notification that users have been asked to Proof an item, and then the sheet link available from the Proofing Review Window, there currently isn't the ability to customize that link to go to a Report:

    If the users are shared to the sheet then they will be able to access it from that link. You will want to be clear in your invitation that any updates to the row will need to be done from the Report, potentially providing the link in the initial email:

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