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Renaming of attachments?

Loann McGee
Loann McGee ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Good morning,

I did a search in the Community, so apologies if this has already been addressed. Is there a simple way to rename attachments? We have several Word/PDF attachments and need to rename them to our internal naming convention protocol.


The only way we've found is to download the document, rename, upload and then delete the previous named document.





  • Mark Mader
    Mark Mader Employee
    edited 08/17/15

    Hi Loann,


    Thanks for the input/feedback.  I sent a link to your post to our product management team to see whether it was already on their radar.  If not, I will ask them to add it to the enhancement list. Would be a handy thing to enable. #BetterWorkflow





  • Loann McGee
    Loann McGee ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you, Mark - I appreciate the quick response. Even if it's down the road, just knowing it's in the realm of possibility gives me hope! ;-)

  • Mark Mader
    Mark Mader Employee

    Hi Loann, 

    This has not been added to the development list yet as the work for our September and October releases was already decided upon.

    I will make mention of it again to our product management team to see if we can get this prioritized in the second half of this year.  I realize this does not help you in the immediate term (very sorry), but I appreciate the nudge.

    Best Regards,


  • Loann McGee
    Loann McGee ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Mark - touching base to see if this is on the radar. We're in the process of having to change our naming convention for our attachments, of which there are 521 in just one sheet. ;-)



    PS - I attended training in Seattle back in February - loved it!! Would love to come again.


  • Loann McGee
    Loann McGee ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Touching base to see if there's an update on being able to rename attachments - including URL's.
    This would be a huge timesaver for our team.



  • Dave B
    Dave B ✭✭✭✭✭

    Please add my vote for this.  

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Dave, thanks for posting -  I have added your vote for this!


    Loann, I do not have any updates on the ability to rename attachments. I will update this thread as soon as I have information I can share.


    Thank you! 

  • Maarten


    For a tool that is such high quality, it's really surprising that it STILL doesn't have this really basic feature! 

    Any update on when it will finally be added?


  • 123mdv
    123mdv ✭✭

    Any news on this one? It's still one of the few things I really miss and it should be really easy to build.


    BTW, along with renaming attachments, it would be great to be able to re-order them, so that you can send them in a particular order. This is more a "nice to have", but the renaming really should be there...

  • JMW
    JMW ✭✭

    #this  all of this.  renaming, reordering.  

  • 3 years later....is there any word on this? I need the attachments to be in the order that the documents were modified last, not the date that the document was attached.  If an attachment is missed and you actually want things in date order, you have to remove and re-add everything which is ridiculous.  There should at least be an option to rename documents so that you can alphabetically organize them.

    My company is just trying out Smartsheet and I have started several spreadsheets and wasted a lot of time redoing things because this simple feature is lacking. I'm weary of investing time into this program. 

  • Paul071

    This is a bit disheartening to read. Even allowing Zapier read/write access to attachments through your API would be a possible workaround, but to continue ignoring your customers needs while your competitors are offering this really does make us think twice about recommending Smartsheet to our clients. 


  • Allen

    They need to stop worrying about the UX/UI and focus on features that actually make things easier and efficient :( great tool otherwise 

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