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Features that Smartsheet Should Add

Jess Merritt
Jess Merritt ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I am sure that most of you have a list of things that you would like from Smartsheet. I have a short list to get us started. Lets add to this and see if they can make it happen!


1 - Ability to paste more than 50 rows at a time.

  • 2 - Extend the 5,000 row per sheet limit.
  • 3 - Ability to create a new sheet based off of a template, such as another Smartsheet without having to export and import from Excel.
  •             a) - Abilty to share the new sheets created from others with the same group of users                        without having to invite each person again.
  • 4 - Allow the administrator to change the logo and color scheme and have it deploy to all sheets instead of having to email a link to all the users to enable the format update.
  • 5 - Actually follow through with the incentive to reward those that "Spread the word".


  • Jess Merritt
    Jess Merritt ✭✭✭
    edited 02/23/17

    Add to the above list - make the list and paragraph formatting work.

  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Jess,


    Some of these come down to improving the performance of Smartsheet, which we're all working toward. I've got your vote down on our enhancement request list for further review by our Product team for the ability to copy and paste more rows at once and to expand the 5000 row limit.


    I'm a bit confused on #3 on your list. In Smartsheet, you can right-click a sheet name at the top and select Save as New to save a copy of a sheet. You can also create custom templates: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/522123-creating-using-templates


    You can also create a workspace, which is a shared folder, and save your copies in the workspace—they'll instantly be shared with everyone shared to the workspace: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/2026039-workspaces-overview


    I've got your vote down for #4 on your list as well.


    I'm also confused on #5, as we do follow through with incentives that meet the terms of the "spread the word" program. If you feel like you should've received insentive but haven't, email finance@smartsheet.com and work with our Finance team directly.


    As for your additional comment: can you elaborate on making the list and paragraph formatting work? Are you referring to adding numeric lists and paragraph indenting in a cell of a sheet in Smartsheet? Or in community posts?


  • Susan Peck
    Susan Peck ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/05/17

    Definitely support #4 -- ability to define a logo to appear on all sheets.  

    If the logo needs to change for specific sheets, that should be an option, but there should be a way to set a global logo icon for all sheets in a plan so you don't have to chase individual sheet owners with new logo files.  

    Also, since no one user can see all sheets owned by the plan, there is no way to verify the correct logo is being used.



  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Susan—

    We recently implemented a feature where SysAdmins can control branding for everyone in their account. Check out the Branding Smartsheet article for more information.

  • Susan Peck
    Susan Peck ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Shaine,

    That helps a lot.  It wasn't clear from the article whether making the global setting (as a Sys Admin) affects ALL sheets -- both those currently in use and those created in the future -- or only future sheets.  



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