Is there a way to set up automated reminders for just specific columns in a sheet?


I'm working on a sheet that has lots of columns, so want to create an automation to remind people to only update specific columns on a biweekly basis. Is this possible?

Best Answer

  • Hollie Green
    Hollie Green ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    It is possible in the Automation when you choose alert someone you can choose which fields show in the email. You can also send a message only and reference the name of the fields in the body or subject by putting the name of the field in double curly brackets {{name of field}}


  • Hollie Green
    Hollie Green ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    It is possible in the Automation when you choose alert someone you can choose which fields show in the email. You can also send a message only and reference the name of the fields in the body or subject by putting the name of the field in double curly brackets {{name of field}}