Community Corner Newsletter

Community Corner Newsletter

A monthly newsletter focused on all the latest and greatest from Community that YOU need to know about.

Community Corner Newsletter [March 2024]


Hey everyone! It's Genevieve here from the Smartsheet Community team, ready to bring you fresh news from the last month. Shout-out to @Maxwell Griffith for the newsletter in February… that wedding photo is incredible. 😍

Let’s get into what has been happening in the Smartsheet Community... and if you scroll to the bottom you'll hear about some of my UK adventures in 2024 ⬇️


Community highlights

Help us welcome some of our newest Member introductions in Show & Tell or look through the Trending section for more ways to connect.

Say hello to these Community Members 👋🏻

  1. @MilesinAtl here
  2. @Cvo here
  3. @Dhammike here
  4. @Kelly MacIsaac here
  5. @Dixie Morse here

You can find more new members and say hello here.

Popular ideas & feature requests (reviewed by the Product Team)!

What’s it going to be? Head to the Smartsheet Product and Ideas Topic to share and vote on ideas.


Community updates

In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)

March Question of the Month

Share your answer by March 31

2 NEW Product Usage Badges

Learn about the Scholar & Synergizer badges

New Innovator Badge

Share & vote product ideas & feature requests to get it

Smartsheet Forward Q1 2024

Explore new capabilities & what’s up next

ENGAGE London Giveaway

Win a free conference pass

NEW Workload Tracking Features

Learn about the Workload Heatmap & the Workload Schedule

NEW Weekly Digest

Get your personalized Community Highlights

Upcoming Smartsheet User Groups

Sign up for sessions in March + April

Make your Community posts really sparkle

Learn how & share your own tips

Brand Collective Podcast Recaps

Check out the latest episode

Also, keep an eye out for an exciting Community update coming soon — Industry Talk. 😉


Pass the mic 🎤 Community Champions

Community Champions are members who demonstrate product expertise and generosity in sharing best practices and support with others on the platform.

"Dedicate at least a few minutes each day to read through new questions and help where you can. Actively participate in conversations - it's through conversations and helping others that we make quality connections."

- @Melissa Boehl, Smartsheet Architect at TurningPoint Energy


Member Appreciation

See Activity feed for more

This month's leaderboard

  1. @Laura McDonald
  2. @ProgramManager12
  3. @Jeremy Soder
  4. @TamieKing
  5. @Benny Velazquez

Member spotlight

@ Debbie Sawyer Here


Overachiever's Motivation Mix

The Smartsheet Overachievers are here to give you the songs that will keep you going and keep you achieving! Here’s what’s on the playlist right now.

Cher, “Believe”

“This song’s upbeat vibe motivates me and puts me in a great mood. The lyrics convey a message of resilience, self-empowerment, and overcoming challenges. The chorus, especially the use of Auto-Tune in the song, has a distinctive and futuristic sound that adds to its unique appeal. Plus…it’s Cher!”

- Vivian Rodriguez (@V.Rodrig), Head of PMO at David’s Bridal


More about me:

In my last newsletter I mentioned that I'm a Canadian living in the UK. I've been here for 5 years now (3 years in Scotland, 2 so far in England), but I don't feel like I've seen enough of the amazing countries and counties that surround me…covid definitely got in the way for a time. This year I've made it a goal to fill up a map of the UK with pins from new locations.

These are some of the places I've already ticked off as a first-time visit in 2024:

York, Brighton, Canterbury, Dover, Sandwich, Abergele, North Lake District (Pooley Bridge area), New Forest (Brockenhurst), Bolsover, Royal Leamington Spa, Bamburgh beach… and more.  

It's easy to get distracted by day-to-day life and stay in the same place, so I'm changing my perspective to try and get back some of the "tourist" excitement that my Canadian friends have when they visit me.

Have you been to the UK or are you planning to come for Engage in London? I'd love to hear your recommendations for my next adventure!


Give us your feedback

Have ideas for the next Community Corner? Leave your thoughts in the comments! 

Note: Unfollow this Topic if you'd no longer like to receive alerts. We'll miss you!

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