April Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge



  • Will Duplex
    Will Duplex ✭✭✭✭✭

    While I'd like to be altruistic, I want to deviate from my initial knee-jerk answer to this question which would involve acts of charity and goodwill to others - as there is never enough in this world. If I had to choose something outside of philanthropy, I'd like to be able to safely explore both of the extreme ends of the earth: scaling the highest point of Mount Everest, and the lowest point in the Mariana Trench.

  • Michele Dare
    Michele Dare ✭✭✭
    edited 04/02/24

    Develop a cure for autoimmune diseases. Once done I would definitely return to creating custom art for clients. Sculpting, painting, building using mixed mediums. Something I truly relish but my hands have prevented the continuation of many things I love due to RA. So most definitely develop a cure for autoimmune disorders.

  • nfatolitis
    nfatolitis ✭✭✭✭

    The child in me instantly said "Ski down Mt. Everest". I don't know if that's possible, but I had a vision of a skier teetering at the top and going downhill and putting down some awesome lines all the way down, past other climbers, zooming through the base camps and villages and finally stopping in a parking lot. (living in Florida I guess this is possible)

    This is a fun question - fail could have a couple different meanings, like a wish, or survivability, unimageable solutions to problems, inconceivable success, unlimited funds, unlimited recognition,

    For my answer - I have always wanted to be in some kind of manufacturing of larger custom items. Not just making a million widgets but building something that a customer wants and delivering every time. I guess my fear has always been taking that first step and having a demand strong enough to support my family.

  • kowal
    kowal Overachievers Alumni

    open my own business as a Smartsheet Consultant & Solution builder.

  • Jaime Ciabattoni
    Jaime Ciabattoni ✭✭✭✭✭

    I would 1,000% audition for something on Broadway. Probably something big on my bucket list like Wicked (Elphaba). Maybe there would be a "union not required" audition and I'd go in and knock everyone's socks off.


  • terrikelley
    terrikelley ✭✭✭

    If I knew I couldn't fail, I would win the lottery or raise quite a bit of money, buy some land and create a farm where abused children and animals could live. The children would be provided with a safe haven that includes counseling, education, food, shelter, medical care and a few farm chores such as tending to the animals to learn skills that can prepare them for adult life. We would plant vegetables, flowers to sell in a local market. This has always been a dream of mine.

  • Laura McDonald
    Laura McDonald ✭✭✭✭

    I would set up my own farm that I could fully sustain myself from - dairy cows, chickens/eggs, beef cattle, pigs...and of course all the fun animals like ducks, donkeys, emus, etc. A full garden too with ALL the veggies, and a fruit tree orchard! I already have a "toned down" version of this on our family farm, but my dream is to have enough to sustain ourselves, so I wouldn't need to "work" :)

  • JoHanna_Schultz

    I previously worked in Human Services (adults with disabilities and children in foster care). I have seen a lot of terrible things. I would open a facility where I could take in the individuals that are living in less than ideal conditions.

    The facility would have everything like an all inclusive resort! Recreation, amazing meals, personal care, etc.

  • Maz Pate
    Maz Pate ✭✭✭

    Hmmm ..... If I knew I could not fail then I would try many things, the thought of failure is what holds me back from pursuing lofty goals. At this particular moment in time, I think it would be the PMP exam! Even though it is my goal to achieve it this year and I will take it when I feel I am ready, it would be awesome if I went into the process knowing that I wouldn't fail 😵

    “Motivate those around you, share knowledge and inspire others” - Unknown

    Regional Project Manager

    Volunteers of America///MPate@voa.org

  • Andrea_Thompson
    Andrea_Thompson ✭✭✭✭

    I would learn a new language!

  • BecH.
    BecH. ✭✭✭

    I would start my "If I won the lottery dream" of building an animal rescue/foster home. Teach the kids the skills needed to support the land & animals while giving them a safe & loving home. The goal is they grow into responsible, skilled adults who then give back (maintenance, veterinarians, big bro/sis, etc.), adopt pets from there, and it becomes a self-sustaining success where kids & animals' lives are changed for the better.

  • joelsmit94161
    joelsmit94161 ✭✭✭✭

    I'd quit my current job and just take up crafting. Over the years I have sculpted small tchotchkes, and table centerpieces for family members as gifts, and I would like to turn that into a business.

  • AMPM_4ME
    AMPM_4ME ✭✭✭

    Wow, I love this question! I try everything at least once. Whether I fail or succeed, I love the challenge. I have started and sustained my own small business, designing and manufacturing, drywall, tile work, woodwork and gardening. I don't always need to succeed, it's the adventure of trying.

    Thomas Edison said it best " I have not failed 1000 times. I have successfully discovered 1000 ways to NOT make a light bulb."

  • Jennifer Kurtz

    Oooooo this is a fun one.

    I'd climb Mount Everest. :) I love reading about epic climbs, and the idea of being at the top of a ginormous mountain and getting a look around is pretty darn cool.

    While I love to try all kinds of new things, this is one where I have neither the skill level nor the physical prowess in real life to actually make a safe attempt-- so it's my fantasy answer!

  • Amanda Winter

    If I couldn't fail, I would finish writing my novel series. I have put it on hold to start the next chapter in my career and my family, but I know I will pick it up again one day. If I knew it was going to be a success, I would dedicate more time and effort, but since I think it is a side hobby, it becomes a non-priority like cleaning out the garage 😂

    Amanda Winter (Noe)

    CTMS Database Administrator

    Sutter Health Office of Clinical Research

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