Archived 2015 Posts

Archived 2015 Posts

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Cell linking from Report?

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Hi all,

I have a question and/or suggestion regarding cell linking. I have a master sheet that needs to pull cell links from multiple sheets which have very specific parameters. The sheets that we are pulling the cell links from all contain vast amounts of data, so we've created a report to pull the specific data that we need. However, there doesn't seem to be a way to cell link from the report to our master smartsheet. This would be of great use to us instead of having to hand-pick the specific rows we want from each sheet to link into the master.


Any chance this could be implemented, or does anyone have a workaround? Our master sheet cannot be a report or I would have done so.



  • Employee
    edited 11/03/15

    Good question, Jaye! There is not a way to cell link from reports (just to and from sheets) but I will submit this request to our enhancement request list and it will be considered for future development. 



  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks Travis, it would ve very helpful for our team! The current cell linking process is powerful, but cumbersome when having to link many things at once - we do this a few times a month; on a daily basis we only need to find one or two cells which of course doesn't take much time.

    Thank you again, we love Smartsheet!

  • ✭✭

    Please add my vote to enhancement/bug fixing request for this. 

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Glad to hear we're not the only ones :) Would still love this to be implemented in the future. We've also discovered that it will help us when working with business partners who do not use the same template or column structure as our sheets. If we could cell link from a report, the report could pull the data we need and be organized in the structure that we prefer, then the whole row linked instead of having to link individual cells over and over and over again. :)

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 10/21/16

    +1 here.


    Reports don't allow formulas, so I either have to do a LOAD of non-continuous cell linking, or I have to hide my formulas in cells on the master sheet.  Problem is, that the master sheet is what everyone subscribes to for their daily notifications, and notifications do not respect hidden columns so formulas and calculations make it into the daily emails because the formulas recalculate with every change.


    Sure would be good to be able to extract things using a report, and then link the report to another sheet where I could do my calculations outside of the master sheet.  This would also make my notifications MUCH more readable.

  • Yes, please allow us the ability to link from a report. 

  • ✭✭
    edited 06/19/17
  • +1 here too..


    I've got almost the same situation..

    1. need to get linked from report... OR

    2. need to get the copycat sheet (automatically update ALL).



  • We are in the same position - being able to cell link from a report would provide great efficiencies and certainty of accuracy of information for our business. Has any progress been made on this, 

  • ✭✭
    edited 04/04/18

    + 1 here! I guess no plans to do this as the original post is from 2015?

  • +1 here as well! Insane that this has been an ongoing issue for 3 years with no answer as to when/if it will be implemented!

  • Would love this feature! I have to cell link manually it takes so long!

  • ✭✭

    I would also very much like to see this feature

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You know...

    Lack of visible attention to old issues is a common thread here.  SS has historically been pretty good with at least participating in the posts - but I think there must be something wrong with the way their system handles updates to "old" items.  

    The moderators change every other year or so, and this may be why the new ones don't see it.  They were never 'attached or subscribed' to the existing ones.

    Not trying to give them excuses - as they still have many open items on my bug-list - but it may be an indication of a systemic problem with their forum review process, and not an intentional oblivion.

    Check the top-10 most commented on forum entries... 90% are still open for 2+ years, and most have not seen a moderator comment in many moons.

  • this seems to have fallen off their radar.

    I too would love to see this functionality.

This discussion has been closed.

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