Enhancement Request: Workspace / Sheet level Attachments / Discussions
I have submitted this before, not posted to the Community. Still a pain point. I'd like you to revisit the functionality around Attachments and Discussions at the Sheet level and Workspace level. Back in the Good Ol' Days (pre UX update 2018-02-13), we could see that there were Attachments or Discussions at the various…
Downloading Attachments from Dynamic View
Hello, I have created a dynamic view where each row has an attachment. Is there a way to download all the attachments at once like you can with a grid? It seems like the only option with Dynamic View is downloading them one at a time. Khari
Adding attachments to a row with 2 forms
Is there any way a row with files in the attachments can be merged with a new form entry that also has an attachment. Currently I am using formulas to join the original row with the new form data but since forms cant add to existing row I cant figure out how to have both attachments on the single row. Is there any way to…
Automated Alert with all row attachments
Hi, My automated alert is triggered when rows are added or changed and a specific condition is met. A change would be when an attachment is made. There will be several attachments to a row. However, it appears that the alert only includes the latest attachment(s) that triggered the workflow. How do I get the alert to…
Publish Report Link as Read Only- HTML
Publish report links with as Read Only-HTML like you are able to publish sheets to have the ability to remove attachments and comments. Hiding Columms still allows users think the links to view that attachments, and incorporating the report into a widget takes too much time
How do I stop the attachments panel from popping up every time I add an attachment to a row?
How do I stop the attachments panel from popping up every time I add an attachment to a row?
Disable the attachments panel from popping up every time I drag/drop an attachment to a row
I would love it if I could disable the attachments panel from popping up every time I drag/drop an attachment to a row. It is very distracting to have this pop up. Thank you in advance!
Is there a way I can open up an attachment in its native app?
Is there a way I can open up an attachment in its native app? I.e., if an outlook email is attached to a row, how can I open it up directly in Outlook, instead of it opening in my browser or having to save it as and then open it?
What is the Cloud storage size of Enterprise Plan.
I'd like to know what is our cloud storage size for an Enterprise Plan, per user and per organization or group. Thanks!
Merged: Attachment & comment Inclusions on email alerts even when added days before the trigger…
This discussion has been merged.