New to Smartsheet Tips?
Just started a new job. Company is new to smart sheet. Right now I work in data entry and basic automation. Eventually working towards full processes and product creation. Does anyone have any tips or tricks that I should know to help work through it. So far I enjoy using smart sheet and would like to learn more.
Merged: Automation Action to calculate a Variable Value
This discussion has been merged.
Do formulas not work in automation?
I'm trying to make new rows copy the cell in a column under a parent but this doesn't seem to function. Am I missing something? When I run this, it posts '=Parent() which doesn't help me.
Providing email response to submitter of a form
I want to set up an automation to email data collected in form to the person who submitted the form (I collect their email in the form).
Automation - include dynamic info from fields without losing single update request functionality
Hi! I'm looking at using Smartsheet for client SLA reporting I need to gather data from my team(s) per client, per market. I'm using automation to request an update (as below) I'd like to make use of the the {{ }} part of the automated email body, to indicate the client and the market specified as below, so I don't have to…
Is there a way to set up automated reminders for just specific columns in a sheet?
I'm working on a sheet that has lots of columns, so want to create an automation to remind people to only update specific columns on a biweekly basis. Is this possible?
Smartsheet checkbox automation triggers email notification to email in field
Hi Smartsheet Smarties! I need your help! I have a Smartsheet with a form that people fill out requesting time off, including their email. There is a checkbox (not included in the form) that is to identify management approval. I would like to set up an automation that would email the person who filled out the form (field:…
email automation for children
Hello, I am interested in creating automation to send an email when a date is past. I would like the automation to focus on the lowest level of hierarchy to assess whether the date has passed. I intend to make one assumption that a parent row always has "Knowledge Sessions" to indicate the automation follows. Notice the…
How to update picklist column
Hi, Currently I have a few columns which contain individual list items, but when I send an update through the API they appear as a single string Is there a specific way I need to be sending list items so that each item appears individually?
Running job to date hours on a project per task code?
How can I have a running total of Job hours to date per task code display on a sheet that shows actual hours vs estimated hours? The problem I am running into is: I have a weekly time sheet that is filled out for the employees on a particular project. The time has to be separated out by Straight Time, Over Time, Double…