How Do I Sum Up Values from One Sheet to Another With Different Criteria?
Starting with the basic of, how do I populate from one sheet to another while adding a running total? The next layer to this is, how can I get different sub sections to specifically populate into another sheet. In my photo you'll see "Parent Node F" with a total footage in bold and a delta (Production Master). In the other…
How to create automation that only works on parent rows.
I am trying to create an automation so that when the parent row is marked as complete, then the parent row and all of the children move to another sheet. I am just not able to figure out how to set the automation so that it ONLY moves if the parent row is selected and not the children rows. I did a formula so that if the…
Turning on Resource Management triggered automation???
Help please! A teammate turned on Resource Management on a critical sheet for our day to day operations. This seems to have trigged automation that archived all rows. While I can see the rows that were archived, I am reluctant to move them back without knowing How to identify the automation that was triggered in the first…
Remove Duration from Project Plan Task Unless Certain Criteria Met
Hi there! I am working on building out a project plan template that we will use for onboarding. There are multiple branching paths and decision points that need to be made throughout the process, which determine if certain steps must be taken. I've managed to set up a way to "deactivate" tasks based on those conditions…
Setting an entire Project Sheet to On Hold
Hi all, I'm sure someone has encountered this but I'm curious if anyone has done anything with setting an entire project "On Hold" so that it reflects in the rollup sheets/dashboards. For reference, we are using the PMO template to base our projects off of. What we would like to be able to do is put a new row in at the…
Automation actions across multiple sheets
Hi all, I have a client who prepares Smartsheet instances for clients of his own (I'll call them customers) in one very particular use-case. In an nutshell: The Cast: Sheet A, the core sheet Only my client's team can admin. New rows come into this sheet via form submitted by customer. Let's assume we have only three…
Eliminating duplicate records
Is there any way to eliminate duplicate records automatically on a sheet? I have rows copied to a sheet under certain conditions but only want it to copy those rows once when they are identical. Since there is no 'Duplicate' action for an automation rule, I can't figure out a way to do this. Thanks for any help!
Automation to change cell value not working
I have SCC setup to provision projects. Inside the project plan there is a variety of data coming from the intake sheet that will be used to determine what duration to pull from a separate master lead time sheet via INDEX/MATCH. The final lead times populate the Duration Planner column for every task. In addition, there is…
Automation / Form(?) Help
Hi, I have created an event data sheet that has six columns (event name, date, attendee and then three other informational columns). The first three columns (name, date, attendee) will be filled in by my marketing department. I need to create an automation that emails the attendee and asks them to fill out a questionnaire…
How can I change the color of a cell if five certain columns all contain "Located" or "Clear"?
I have a column named "Ready". I want to change the color of the cell in that column to green if the cells in these five other columns all contain "Located" or "Clear". I've figured out how to check a box if any of these columns contain "Delayed" but I want a visual representation if the row is completely ready. I've tried…