Individual formula editing changes the whole column
Not sure if this is supposed to happen, but since i was not expecting it at all, i found it extremely frustrating. So i have a spreadsheet that is using several index/match formulas on different columns to pull information from other spreadsheets. But today, one of the Admins on another spreadsheet made me aware that he…
Dashboard formula counting rows within date range
First post, Longtime SSheet user but new to formulas and stuck on this last one for a dashboard. I am trying to count rows where the due date is within a range, the form created date is within 14 days of the due date and the status is not "complete." I have tried a wide variety of solutions. =COUNTIFS({FAMS Marketing…
Can smartsheet auto-populate cells based on the above cells in a column like excel does?
Can smartsheet auto-populate cells based on the above cells in a column like excel do? When completing text cells the system doesn't indicate that text word is already above? This is useful not to duplicate like currently, excel can do it by default. Any idea if this is possible or can be enabled would be appreciated.
SUMIFS Based on Parent and Children Criteria
Hi there! I am trying to make a master reporting sheet that is just a sum of another source sheet based on specific criteria of parent and child rows. It's a two step SUMIFS that I can't seem to get straight. It would need to be a sum "grand total count", if hierarchy 0 month = specified month and hierarchy 1 matches…
getting cell value by row id and column id
Hi, I am the primary column id. I want to iterate over rows and get cellvalues of the primary col in python. for MyRow in my_sheet.rows: After this is there any direct function to get the cell value using parameters MyRow.id,primary_col_id? Thanks
Multiple Installation Dates to show on Calendar
Hi, I'm trying to schedule 2 dates form the same line into a calendar. For example. Each time we sell a job, the job has a Part A installation, and a Part B installation. With this the line would have Part A Date, Duration and a installer. Same with Part B. The Installer is conditional formatted as a colour to show up in…
Multiple Check Boxes in Cross-Referenced IF Statement
I have a master spreadsheet that details the progress of a project. I'm in the process of rolling all the information on that sheet into another that consolidates anywhere from 1-100 lines (check boxes) into a single line. The example below shows an example of 3 check boxes. That being said, I'm creating a formula for a…
How can I take a concatenated string and feed it into a form as an option?
Can't figure this out.. I have form with 4 fields in it. The user picks drop downs off of each of the 4 questions and saves the form. In the sheet, I have a 5th column that concatenates all of the 4 fields. (It basically builds a unique name for each of our customer audits) and looks like this.. 2019_Jun_Fab5_Skyworks…
Dynamic drop down list
Is it possible to link a drop down list to a query from another sheet column. For example It would be great to be able to have users select items from a list of the top ten sold items. This list would update as sale demand changes. or being able to only select items of a certain type based off another column.
How do I give an outside user access to ONE row of a spreadsheet?
Here is the deal. I run a wedding video studio. I just made a smartsheet questionnaire (form) to have all of our videographers answer from the smartsheet app on their phones at the end of the shoot to inform the editors of anything they need to know about, etc. One of the questions asks them to upload photos they took from…