RYG Change Based on Moving Variable
Hi, all. I was looking to write a formula that would change a RYG based on if the project was still on track for the determined amount of time. It would start green and if the project was projecting as running longer than anticipated would change to yellow and then red when it went over a further threshold(of say %7 of the…
Index Match with some data returning as Invalid Data Type
I'm using an Index match to pull a certain number. In this column I will get a successful return of a few number then the Error then more correct numbers. Thing is, they are all pulling from the same data set (from an API), and using the same parameters and search values. Why am I getting the Invalid Data Type error?
Open-ended column on another sheet
I am using SUM referencing a column on another sheet and I want to get that column to be Open-Ended (so that when new rows are added to the other sheet, they will be automatically be in the new total on my sheet). Details: I am adding Hours from a time card sheet. When I stay on the that time-card sheet, Open-ended is easy…
Cell Reference Limitation
We're tracking different divisions within our company on separate sheets. We’ve created summary sheets that reference other smartsheet tabs and we’re consistently hitting the 100 distinct cross sheet references limit when building summary sheets. We figured out how to compile the information for each division via the…
Feature request: Cell Linking still linked when to you click 'Go to the Sheet'
So when your linking cells across sheets, I'm trying to link SheetX with SheetY (which has the attachments I need), I can link the site names between the sheet, when the preview screen pops up to show me SheetY (exactly where my site is linked) but I can't download the attachment from this preview screen, then when I click…
Copying rows w/ checkmarked cell to different sheet
Hello, I am trying to find a way to link rows between sheets, but the 2nd sheet should only show the rows from the 1st sheet with a checkmark in one of the columns. Sheet 1: list of skus with descriptions and details. One column has a checkmark for the critical skus Sheet 2: auto copy (i.e. link) only specific columns for…
Linking rows
Hi guys, I'm new to smartsheet and I'm trying to figure out it can help me become more productive. So far, I have always used excel. I am working with a lot of minute by minute schedules tailored to the needs of the different departments in my company. I have one large file displaying all the small activities that happen…
Upcoming Birthday Report
I would like to include a Report Widget that shows upcoming birthdays, but it doesn't seem possible to only pull data according to month and date (whenever I use the date column, it automatically adds the year -- 2018, in this case). Is there anyway that I can pull data for upcoming birthdays w/o relying on the year they…
Cell Linking vis-a-vis Predecessor
Dear All, As mentioned I am trying to cell link the Task and the start date. Post to creating the cell link I add a predecessor to the line,however the link to the Start Date disappears? Could someone please help me with this as this is crucial for me to maintain my Master Plan and Deliverable, dependency tracker. Many…
Can you create a link if there is no data in the source cell?
I want to make it easy to add new rows and new data in a source sheet, and have the cells automatically appear in another sheet. Can't seem to do it. Can it be done?