Automate Trigger Slack DM's based on assignee email addresses in Smartsheet
It would be phenomenal if we could trigger messages to DM's or Ephemereal messages from Slackbot or the Smartsheet Slack App using some connection between the user's email in Smartsheet and the same email in Slack. This would allow users to be notified individually of changes or needs without having to alert the whole…
Using multiple instances of Smartsheet
Hello! We use Smartsheet internally, and some of our collaborators also use Smartsheet that is licensed by our client. They appear to have difficulty when clicking links in email notifications due to them being currently logged in to the client's instance of Smartsheet. Is there anything I can do to streamline this for…
Automated Functions Assistance - Automatic Email Response to a Submission
I have a form set up to allow managers to submit a response to a questionnaire. I'd like to generate an automated email that thanks the user for submitting a copy of their responses without the user having to check the box. I'd also like to mass email everyone who submitted a response once the questionnaire closes. Is…
Dashboard Sharing Process Stuck in Loop
I am trying to View Share a dashboard with a couple of people. I have tried inviting them through a notification email AND giving them a share link. Both options result in them having to request access. Then, I have to respond to their email request by clicking a 'Share Dashboard' button, then another 'Share' button in a…
Automated messages send rows filled with dark color
Hello, I am having an issue with automated messages. The issue is the rows I selected to send are coming in via email with the background filled in a very dark color. It is very hard to read and will likely be ignored by users. It is happening when using several automations. However, here is an example of the most recent.
Multiple Addresses at end of intake form
Currently you are only able to send a copy of the intake form to one person ("send me a copy of my responses" checkbox). Please update functionality to allow users to enter multiple addresses and send a copy of the form to more than one person. Thanks! Heather
Automated Workflow Assistance - Recurring Monthly Notification off EOM Date
Hi Smartsheet community! Here's the challenge I'm running into: a leader has asked me to set up a recurring a monthly notification, triggered off the last day of month, for the team to update their monthly forecast within following three days. I have a parent of "Expense Input for Monthly Forecast" and child rows of…
Communication Log
Much like the sheet Activity Log, a log of communications sent out via the sheet would be very helpful. This would give sheet owners/users the ability to easily pull communications sent either via automated workflows or manually from the sheet, when individuals claim to have not received such communications. If an…
Sheet Summary Fields in Notifications
Is there a way to add sheet summary fields in a notification? It is possible to add cells by using {{Field}} but this doesn't work for the summary fields. Any inputs are much appreciated.
Improved User Auto-Provisioning
It would be great to be able to specify some additional options for user auto-provisioning: Have the ability to add auto-provisioned users to Groups automatically - Being able to add new users to an "All Employees" group automatically would mean they could have access to some resources by default. In my case, users…