Enhancement Request: Default, Locked, Export Filters
Thank you very much for the New Row Filters released yesterday. This will free up several Zaps (www.zapier.com) that I sometimes use. Here's what I want next: LOCKED FILTER As either Admin*, be able to lock a filter. One and only one filter can be locked at time. The filter is automatically shared. Non-Admin users can not…
Drop Down List Data Validation
My team and I are new to Smartsheet, and after 2 days of using the software, have already found a couple of major road blocks that will likely keep us from using Smartsheet. The biggest is the inability to create a drop down list that uses data validation to pull a list of options from another Sheet. (Example - one sheet…
Web content widgets in dashboards and PDF files
Does Smartsheet not support embedding PDF files into dashboards? Looks like Adobe XD CC is supported but I'm not familiar with that tool. Does anyone know how to get a PDF containing hyperlinks uploaded/embedded into a Smartsheet dashboard? I'd also like to retain the hyperlinks in the PDF so that viewers can still…
Does smartsheet form allow skip branching?
Curious - we are starting a survey campaign with all of our current and future clients. I am looking to see if I can use smartsheet, OR if I will need to use survey monkey or SOGO. I already use and love smartsheet for just about everything, hoping to continue that trend. Will smartsheet forms allow skip branching…
Proofing- Previous Versions
Hello everyone, I have been using the proofing feature in our team for internal proofing. I have an issue where as soon as you add a new document version, the previous versions are no longer visible they sit loading. You can still download the older version you just can't see them on the proofing panel. This means you…
Can the Sys Admin view the overall user activity in Center of Excellence for the assigned account?
As part of the Smartsheet roll out at our company, we 'assigned' our paid license employees several Center of Excellence Training Modules/Courses with different dates to get them completed. I am the Sys Admin and trying to verify who has completed their modules and who has not. Do I as the Sys Admin have access to view all…
Feature Wish List
1. Differentiation between text/number on columns 2. Non-Duplicate enforcement 3. Ability to show an auto-number field on form during entry. 4.Consolidated notifications from multiple sheets 5. Document View - A view where the user can arrow through attached documents and view the data in the associate row at the same…
Is there a way to format individual text/characters within a cell?
Are you able to format only certain text/characters with an individual cell, or does formatting apply to all the text/characters within a cell? If I cannot format only certain characters, this would be a great recommendation for an enhancement.
Creating a Very Basic CRM
Hi, I have the need to create a very basic tool for tracking the interactions between 12 internal employees and 80 external doctors who we work with. This seems like a mini-CRM (Customer Relations Management) tool, but is far more basic as it doesn't worry about sales and such, so many of the sales facing CRM's are way…
Legal projects/task management sheet
Hi, I’m part of an in-house legal department. The company has different departments and different types of contracts/advice they require us to produce. To track the work, I have created one sheet for the legal team to use, covering all main "legal work" categories and then broken down to sub categories, tasks and then sub…