Gantt Chart & Cell Linking. What is the workaround?
Gantt charts cannot have cell linking when there is a predecessor assigned. My challenge is I need to have my sheet reference my vendor's sheets so that it automatically updates when they enter their date. This does not seem possible in all avenues I have ventured down. I tried using the Vlookup formula and I am unable to…
Creating Task with time gaps between occurences for GANTT
I want to add preparing for a quarterly meeting as one of the tasks in my list. The start date for the preparation is 3 weeks before the meeting and the end date is the date of the meeting. This repeats every quarter in the year for a total of 4 occurrences. How can I do this without having four different rows for each…
Enable conditional formatting based on Critical Path items
When a row is on the critical path, I'd like to be able to set conditional formatting so that it turns text red, or colours the cells, so that it is a more obvious visual cue that this task is a particularly important one.
Conditional formatting in Gantt not working with dependencies
For some reason it seems like my conditional formatting rules aren't being applied to certain rows in the Gantt chart side of this sheet. The problem is resolved if I disable dependencies, but I need those and don't understand why this should matter since I don't have any rules related to status or % complete in the…
Dashboard Gantt Chart - Visualizing Variances
Hi ! My Dashboards are meant to visualize high level information on my portfolio of projects. One key is visualizing the project duration on a Gantt Chart from Inception to Completion (Project Start to Project Finish Date), which shows as a single bar connecting the two dates. However, the Gantt Chart in the dashboard is…
Synchronise Team Member Availability between Resource Management and Smartsheet
I have team members with part time availability, as specified in their Resource Management profile. Smartsheet allows me to schedule tasks for the days they are not working - the sync to Resource Management then displays "100% allocated for 0 Days" - the 0 days is due to this being a non-workday for that team member.…
Dependencies End Date Sets to Previous Day?
Hi! We have noticed that when Dependencies are on, filling an empty End Date cell (when the Start Date and Duration are also empty) with a date results in a cell value the day previous to the intended set date. Is this intentional, or is this a bug?
how do I add a calendar view in a Dashboard?
Hello - I have searched the community and have found a "work-around", but it doesn't work. I am trying to show a calendar view of a clients project on a client dashboard. I only want them to be able to see it. I don't want them to have any any interaction, just see it as a reference. Is this possible? Thank you. Jef
Weekend Workaround in Gantt Charts?
Hi Team, Has anyone found a workaround for not being able to pull dependancies from a separate sheet? I have projects running where some tasks are "in office" (5 day work week) and some tasks are "in field" (7 day work week). Gantt settings only permits setting work weeks for an entire sheet, so I have pulled those two…
Gantt Chart Display and Behavior - Open to today's date mysteriously gets unchecked.
After I have checked Open to today's date for my project setting, it gets unchecked in a couple of minutes. Is anyone else experiencing this? https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/765755-modifying-project-settings#toc-customize-the-gantt-chart-display-and-behavior