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i get a lot of helpful information from the Community, Help and Blog sites. Is it possible to subscribe to a daily or weekly list of posts to these areas as part of my ongoing education about Smartsheet?
Share into a Workspace
Hello, I have been looking for the solution to share into a Workspace. I see the Workspace and I have Editor access. I do not see the options on the sharing sheet checkbox or under Home from the screenshot. Please advise if I am missing some settings. Thank you! Tom
linking two columns togther
Hello Everyone, I have two columns, one has the name of the customer "name" and the other column has the number we assigned to the customer "number". I am trying to link these two for example, let us say if I type 111 in the number column the name joe will appear in the name column, and the other way around. If I write joe…
Project Sheet nested checklist without duration and dependency
Hello Community, I would like to nest a short checklist of rows under an activity in a Project Sheet such that the nested rows representing the checklist do not require durations and dependencies. However, SmartSheet requires the duration and dependency on each nested row, where I repeat the same data, so it rolls up to…
Formula to change RYGG balls when Project Stage changes
I am new to SS and I am trying to automate the Project Status Red, Yellow, Green & Gray balls to change to the correct color based on the Project Stage selected. Project Stage drop down will need to work as follows: Red Ball = Not Started Yellow Ball = Scheduled, Field Work, Drafting, Completed, Preliminary Sent Gray Ball…
Filter option after Building a Report
Hi, After building a report, it would be great if we had the ability to use filters similar to the other sheets. Thanks, Brent
Formulas with Conditions
Hello, My goal is to have a formula populate the dues dates with one condition. Currently Drawing Due Date is populated 2 weeks from Order Date If the "Type" Column is "Q" then I need the Drawing Due Date to be 1 week from Order Date. Current Formula: =$[Order Date]289 + 14 Thank you for helping me with this in advance.
Estimate End Date, Actual End Date, Adjusted End Date flagging
For my projects I track Estimated/Actual Start and Estimate/Adjusted/Actual End dates. I need to have a status flag indicate yellow if the Adjusted date is slipping past the estimated end date, and then when the end date is adjusted and justified, to update the status flag back to green. Is anyone tracking like I am? Do…
Select a cloud service folder for attachments
I would love to use something similar to the existing Box, One drive, etc, integration to be able to select a whole folder to attach rather than just individual files. When a new file was added to the folder in Box, it would also be available in smart sheet.
Google Calendar/Publishing To Incorrect Email
I was wondering if anyone else has ran into this issue... I changed my email address associated with SS and unable to get the Calendar to publish to the newer email address. My old email is deleted out of SS, but still only publishes to that email. I have turned it off,deleted calendar and turn publish back on, but had no…