This piggybacks on enhancement requests for using Groups in Automated Workflows. Our Marketing and Communications team has a form for employees to submit requests for the marketing material design (e.…
We previously utilized Workfront for project management and proofing, and colors on pdf created where accurated, now colores, mostly blues are softer than real ones. Is this something Smartsheet can f…
Hi Community, We’re excited to announce our brand new integrations with Adobe Creative Cloud. These integrations are now available to licensed users on Business and above plans with an Adobe Creative …
Sometimes we have a need to remove a proofer if they are no longer assigned to a project or they were mistakenly added. We have a fluid list of stakeholders and sometimes the people added to review sh…
We have automation set up where when a task has been marked complete, it moves to another smartsheet for complete tasks. This helps keep our open tasks smartsheet uncluttered. I just noticed that some…
The ability to convert a PDF attachment to a proof is really useful but we often receive PDFs that already have comments embedded. The ability to extract these comments so that they show as comments o…
Apparently this was considered "on the roadmap" in 2019, but we've seen no movement since then… The proofing capability NEEDS to be able to export a marked up proof. What is the point of having people…