Proof be accessible in Smartsheet Mobile App
The mobile app that can be downloaded in Playstore or App Store doesn't have the feature to view/interact with proofs. It would be nice to have this feature since one of the reasons we use the app is for portability.
Are Proofs in the Mobile App View-Only? Or is there a way to upload proofs/versions in the app?
Are Proofs in the Mobile App View-Only? Or is there a way to upload proofs/versions in the app?
Can a person not shared to a sheet participate in proofing activities?
The help info is not super helpful in answering this specific question. Can I send a proof to someone not shared to a sheet? Do they need to have the sheet shared with them in order to interact with proofing?
Download Comments from Proofs
There should be a way to export the comments and annotations from Proofs to a PDF format to send outside of the platform.
requirement for proof approvers/reviewers
Hi all, Our team is working to streamline a process which includes stakeholders outside our unit. These stakeholders are asked to review/approve proofs. When a stakeholder from outside our unit is asked to review/approve a proof, they're required to sign in to Smartsheet. I appreciate that they don't need to create an…
Ability to see Version History when viewing a proof in new tab
When you invite a user to review a proof, the button in the email takes the user to a new browser tab (outside of the Smartsheet project plan). If more than 1 version exists, you can only roll back to see those versions if accessing the proof from within a project plan to see if corrections were made. The invitee cannot do…
Ability to attach files from within a Proof (when viewing in a separate tab)
After inviting a user to a review a proof, typically that button in the email takes the user to review the proof in a separate browser tab. When adding comments to this proof, there's no method to attach a file to a comment. You can only do this when accessing the proof directly within the project plan. Can this be an…
Assign a status to a sheet/report/dashboard
Hi, With my limited experience, I have run into the notion that it would be nice to assign a status to a sheet, report and/or dashboard. (concept, draft, ready for proofing, etc., complete) This for instance would be visual for administrators to sort within their folders, instead of naming a sheet HSE-issue tracker-draft…
SmartSheet Proofing of dozens of files
Is there a way to bulk submit a few dozen files for proofing? Typically, this would be PDF engineering drawings. I want to start doing this within SmartSheet, but don't want to do them one at a time. Alternatively, can an automation be configured to copy the file for proofing and submit it to a group or group for review?
Allow 'Print' from attachment view or Proofing Features
Up until today, users were able to click on an attachment in a sheet which would pull up a view of the attachment in a new web tab. There was a print option in the web view of the attachment. Today clicking on an attachment takes you to a new Proofing Features view which doesn't have a print option. Please either add the…