Hi Community! Have you ever wanted to automate the proofing process or have more insight into who’s approving or requiring changes? Us too! With this release, you’ll be able to track each person who h…
Here is a way to create reminders for Proof reviewers. This solution will: Send a reminder 5 days after the initial invite, if no one has responded to a Proof review request. Send a reminder 5 days af…
Currently we can setup reminders for the approval of a proof or other details around a proof, but there is not a way to send a reminder to a person and have the reminder contain a link to the proof. I…
Hello, I'm fairly new to the Proofing process in Smartsheet. I would like to add an option to the dropdown values in the Proofing Status column. I know how to add the option, but not sure where or how…
We recently tested creating a proof from both a standard workapp as well as the portfolio workapp that control center creates. I can upload the file from the standard workapp, but the invitation proce…
The mobile app that can be downloaded in Playstore or App Store doesn't have the feature to view/interact with proofs. It would be nice to have this feature since one of the reasons we use the app is …
The help info is not super helpful in answering this specific question. Can I send a proof to someone not shared to a sheet? Do they need to have the sheet shared with them in order to interact with p…
Hi all, Our team is working to streamline a process which includes stakeholders outside our unit. These stakeholders are asked to review/approve proofs. When a stakeholder from outside our unit is ask…