When you invite a user to review a proof, the button in the email takes the user to a new browser tab (outside of the Smartsheet project plan). If more than 1 version exists, you can only roll back to…
After inviting a user to a review a proof, typically that button in the email takes the user to review the proof in a separate browser tab. When adding comments to this proof, there's no method to att…
Hi, With my limited experience, I have run into the notion that it would be nice to assign a status to a sheet, report and/or dashboard. (concept, draft, ready for proofing, etc., complete) This for i…
Is there a way to bulk submit a few dozen files for proofing? Typically, this would be PDF engineering drawings. I want to start doing this within SmartSheet, but don't want to do them one at a time. …
Up until today, users were able to click on an attachment in a sheet which would pull up a view of the attachment in a new web tab. There was a print option in the web view of the attachment. Today cl…
I work in higher ed, and my team uses the proofing widget often, and we've had a relatively successful process in place for reviewing designed content (like flyers, brochures, postcards, etc), but we'…
@Isaac Jose I have encountered another proofing issue and since you were instrumental in identifying and applying a fix last time, I was wondering if there is anyway that I can get my most recent tick…
It would be very helpful if deleted proofs (at the version level and all proofs for a given row) could be recovered. At the very least, it would be helpful if someone on the backend at Smartsheet coul…
So in proofing, as the owner of a sheet, I added a document on a row to proof. then added comments and annotations to the proof for others to work on. I also had the ability to add an attachment to sa…
Hi, We would like to use the proofing feature for reviews & approvals of textual content in 3 columns of our smartsheet. Obstacles: The proofing feature seems to only support uploaded files -- not tex…