Hey - Please correct me if I'm wrong but It looks like the plan is for Board view to replace Card view in the future. Currently I do not see an option for proofs in the Board view. Will this be added …
It is way past time for Smartsheet Proofing to use a similar format to Automations, to allow users to pre-define a review/approval path for proofs. Currently, we must create each proof request individ…
We have interactive websites that we need to proof. We've been using a separate tool, but our company prefers the Smartsheet functionality. Does anyone know if its possible to proof a website using th…
Since the CrowdStrike kerfuffle last Friday, we haven't been receiving any emails from automation@app.smartsheet.com and proofing@app.smartsheet.com. I'm not sure if it happened as a result of the glo…
Would be very helpful if we could version up Proofs direct from new attachments. Often times the Teams are editing directly in Word Docs or uploading PDFs, once they are ready for approvals you can on…
Smartsheet, please enable non-licensed users to upload new versions or manage versioning within the Proof feature. This capability will streamline the review and approval process, which often requires…
Client would like to send a reminder email to a reviewer after so many days have passed. In the email, is there a way to insert the file name of the proof? Better yet, can I capture the external proof…
Smartsheet, please enhance the proofing feature. Currently, the proofreader can convert attachments to proofs and delete proofs. Proofreaders should only be able to provide annotated comments and shou…
I was able to do this easily and then all of a sudden, it's not allowing me to copy comments from the proofing tool. Has anyone experienced this? Does it have to do with my registered settings?