How to Archive a Workspace
I have several workspaces for closed or past projects that I would like to archive. We do NOT have Control Center. I act as more of an admin (and I'm also a Smartsheet Admin) for the owners of the project. I would want them to continue to be able to access their old data, should they need to. Is there a way to do this…
Sales pipeline with sort (need child/parent row stays together)
I have a sheet that has child/parent rows and which I can sort by dropdown list order (see below pics) So here are my questions: 1.) how can I have a report where it only shows the current user AND that the child/parent row are together when sorted in the report 2.) I want the sort to be "sort by dropdown list", is that…
Determining SmartSheet access method email+password vs Microsoft (Azure AD)
Is there a way to show what method users are using to log in? I want to ensure all our internal users are using Microsoft (Azure AD) as the login method rather than email+password and it would be useful to know who is using which method. If I shut down email and password access I believe that will affect external users, is…
Dashboard access via link not showing the user as logged in.
So, I am having an issue with my published dashboard. I have embedded a report utilizing the current user function. I have found that when my team accesses the dashboard by manually navigating to it through SmartSheet, the report works perfectly and they are able to view it. However, when they use the published link (which…
What to do when I can't view/see or see the Shared Filter options while other Users can?
I can't view/see or see the Shared Filter options that a sheet collaborator with Business account created but other collaborators with Free User account can see and use the Shared Filters. What is causing this? I have a Free User account and I have tried signing in and out and refreshing the page to no avail. What should I…
Formula to auto-transfer data into another sheet
The company I work for uses Smartsheets to build schedules. We have both weekly and daily schedules. However, I've noticed a lot of our time is spent daily going through and transferring information from the weekly to the daily grids. I didn't know if there was a way for me to auto-link certain grids to a grid on another…
Need way to add a counter on a dashboard for user "views" or visits
Hi everyone. Absolute beginner here. I'm tasked to make a few dashboards for other internal company teams on project progress, etc. We want to track how often people visit each dashboard and thought it might be useful to include that as a counter widget on the dashboards. Mockup example below. Doable??
Is there a way to automatically share editing access to underlying reports?
I have created a dashboard and would like anyone with access to be able to add information on rows in the underlying reports that are embedded. I'd prefer to be able to do this without adding each individual to the workspace. In WorkApps, I can share all reports, but I only want them to see the dashboard. Any/All ideas…
Sharing with external stakeholders
Key for us: how to share sheets with external stakeholders, for free on their end? Could they participate in collaboration without paying for SmartSheet use? Thank you! Oscar
Can chat conversation notification be directed to the report rather than the main sheet?
I have multiple vendor reports created from a master sheet but when I make comments to update them on a sku for the vendor to see and/or respond to, they get an email notification linking them back to the master sheet instead of their individual report. The notification also provides them the master sheet row vs. the row…