Cross Sheet Reference stopped working
We currently have a Pharmacy Site API reference sheet that is updated daily at 2am PT. Since its a complete rewrite, the sheet is deleted then generated every morning with the new updated site information. This master sheet is indexed across several hundred Smartsheet solutions within our company. I have a specific sheet…
Roll Up Calculation using separate sheet
I started with a template, but our resource management is a bit more complex than the template, so I am making adjustments to accommodate for our roadmap requirements. Of course this meant digging into the calculations. The template uses two sheets, PTO & Project Staffing + Staff Resource Rollup. The Staff Resource Rollup…
Nonsense letters - Mapping PDF doesn't pull information from form/sheet correctly
I am trying to use the entries from a form to auto-generate certificates of completion. It seems I have everything set up correctly (Fillable PDF mapped, set up in the workflow, correct column naming etc), however it generates nonsense letters for the entries. Any ideas on what I should troubleshoot to fix this?
Allow auto scrolling with middle button mouse click
Allowing using the middle button on the mouse to start an auto scroll on the grid view. Some of the sheets are quite wide, and it would be nice to not have to use the scroll bar at the bottom to move left/right.
Data mesh cell history
Hello! I would like to make a suggestion regarding cells that are populated via Data mesh. As of right now, when a cells gets populated via Data mesh and you click on View Cell History, you can see the name of the person who owns the Data mesh. However, you have no idea if the person manually input that information or if…
changing the Row number for coommets?
Hello, Is there a way to change the comments notification to show a Ticket ID number instead of the row number? So in the picture change the Row 441 to ticket ID 500?
Is there a way to convert a large number of contact cells at once?
I have over 5000 rows in a sheet that has been exported from ServiceNow. Every row has a contact cell that is filled out with a raw name, no company email. Is there a way of converting every cell into the respective company email for that person at once? The manual method, typing their name and selecting the pop up, will…
こんにちは。いつもお世話になっております。 自動化の機能を使って、シートの共有者(=担当者)に内容の更新依頼を定期的に出しています。 担当者へはSmartsheetから自動でメールが届き、「リクエストを開く」のリンク先の更新フォームから情報の更新をお願いしています。 このメールには「シートに移動」というリンクがあるのですが、このリンクを表示されないようにする方法はありますか? シートには担当者には共有したくない情報も含まれているので、担当者へはそれら情報を除いたレポートを作成して共有しております。 一方で、シートから担当者とコメントのやり取りやレポートからの情報入力をしてもらいため、シート自体も担当者と共有をしています。…
Question: Hide/Unhide columns
Hello Smartsheet Gov community! I have been a Smartsheet user for many years and exclusively in Smartsheet Gov for 2.5 years now. Today one of our users shared that a free collaborator had unhid columns in a sheet. I shared with her this wouldn't be possible since only licensed users can hide/unhide columns (even with…
Formula for days of week a ticket was submitted
Hello, I am looking for a formula to put the days of the week a form was submitted. i.e. monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. I already have a created date column which i need to stay as it is but want another column for the specific day that it was.