Default Sort setting
Hi, How can I set a default for sorting in a sheet? For example, I have a system "Modified Date" column, and I want the sheet to ALWAYS sort by descending order, i.e. the most recently modified on top. I want the sort setting to stay even when refreshed, and when I'm editing in the sheet that the modified row will…
Automation not displaying sheet I'd like to move rows to
I've had this issue before and still continue to have this issue where a sheet that I create (for archive purposes) is not displaying in the automations for me to move rows to. I created this sheet last Friday and it's Monday now, and the sheet is not displaying. Does anyone know why this is? This isn't the first time this…
Prevent a sent Approval Request from being used later?
I have a situation where I want to make sure some Approval Request emails cannot be used later. I have an automation triggered when a Contact List column is changed, which sends an Approval Request to the contact in that column. For some rows, a director instructed me to skip a certain person's approval as they're out on…
Template Libraries
It would be really useful if both individuals as well as admins / system admins could create template libraries. Individuals could create and use their own templates across multiple workspaces. For companies, it would be very useful to have branded templates available that could be shared to everyone who is on the company…
SmartSheet Automation - Notify Emails not triggering at all
Hi all, I've ran into an issue where on all of my sheets I have that's shared out to dozens of users and are on the distribution list to receive emails based on rows added/changed with criterias to trigger email sendouts to them. This has been working fine the past 2 years. However, as of 2 days ago all emails have stopped…
Multiple Conditional Pathways to One Action
Hello, I am trying to create a weekly digest to send out once a week with multiple criteria using automations/ workflows. I am running into a problem because I am having to create multiple pathways due to differing logic which is forcing me to enter different actions for each pathway. Although I know I could recreate the…
Automated email to Contact in a Cell
Hello, Is there a workaround to send an automated email (box check) to a contact in a cell, but its not a contact column, rather than a formula column? many thanks!
Upcoming Tableau WDC 3.0: Timeline for Smartsheet Connector Update?
Hello Smartsheet Community, I am currently facing a challenge with the upcoming deprecation of Web Data Connector (WDC) 2.0, which impacts our integration of Smartsheet with Tableau. We have been using the Smartsheet-provided WDC available here: https://tableau.smartsheet.com/tableau. As I'm looking for guidance on how…
Action : change cell value
Hi Community, I feel like this is simple question, but I can make it happen. If I want to using change cell value in automation workflows, can I change the cell value by using formula? Cause I use the formula to change, the result always add ' in front of the formula…(show as the pic below) Besides, can it make the value…
Remove "send me a copy of my responses" in Approval Requests
The email sent to users when they check the box of "send me a copy of my responses" in Approval Requests includes a link to the internal sheet which doesn't make sense and is confusing to external users who may not have access or full context to Smartsheet. I really hope Smartsheet can consider a feature enhancement to…