Some form entries aren't appearing on upstream grids
I have a workflow that copies a row from the main grid (which collects all form entries), to the next grids which collect by specific regions, and then copies to the final grids which are by specific facilities. There is one facility where form entries show up on it's facility grid, but do not appear on the overall or the…
Can I turn comma separated lists into multiple-choice dropdowns?
The title basically says it all. I have a column that was built in Excel, with multiple items separated by commas (no spaces) to make a string of about 1-5 items. We're moving our processes into Smartsheet, and I want this information to be formatted as a dropdown column with each item chosen as a separate entry.…
Workaround for triggering generate document workflow when any of the 380 fields I have change
I need a generate document workflow to run anytime one of them changes. I don't want to put in all 380 fields, I don't even know if it will let me add that many. It seem as if the "if any field changes" option is not available on the generate documents workflow, you have to select at least one field.
Unable to Map the Smartsheet columns in AWS AppFlow
Hi, I am trying to use the AWS AppFlow to read the data from the S3 bucket (Source). Then write date to the Smartsheet (Destination). I have the connectivity setup and it is working as expected. But while I am trying to map the columns in the source CSV present in S3 bucket to the Smartsheet I am facing a issue. I could…
How to automatically include project names in automated update requests and forms
Hi, I have several projects that follow the same breakdown structure, when Smartsheet sends automated update requests, users are receiving these notifications don't know which specific project the request is referring to. I noticed that the project name is not an automatically included in all update requests for different…
Can you create multiple workflows if you have too many actions for one?
Hoping this is an easy question. If you have an automation workflow that reaches the limit of blocks (too many actions), can you build a second workflow to pick up where you left off, or will that interfere with the first flow? My example is Condition path 1 - if state=X, request an approval from StateX email contact, if…
Dynamic View Logic should behave like Conditional Form Logic (aka "live")
Logic in Dynamic Views should work as it does in Forms - changes / info entered while filling out the form results in changes to the form based on established logic. Instead, DV Logic is applied only when a request is loaded or saved. This is a follow-up to an old discussion on Dynamic View logic behavior (here) PAIN…
Automation Workflow Error
I'm trying to set up an automation and I am getting an error that says: "Rows can't be added to the destination sheet because a column has the same name as a system column on the source sheet" Why am I seeing this error?
Remove limit of updated requests with placeholders in the text
Hi, currently, when you build workflows for update requests and use placeholders in the text, then you might run into a limit of 6 update requests. This limit comes into play, when the update requests are being sent to the same person at the same time. You can work around this with formulas and helpers… So Smartsheet,…
Automation Workflow to send an Email after 2 Cells have been changed
Hi Everyone, I am using automation workflow to help send an email with various data after 2 cells have been changed. For context, these cells are in consecutive rows. Is there a way to use a workflow to send an email ONLY after both cells have been revised? Does Smartsheet have indexing capabilities to achieve this?…