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Increase sheet row and column limits



  • WyattMartinDale

    Totally agree with Adams comments ! Users deserve answers here and if Smartsheet is planning to be an enterprise level solutions we need the scale that comes with that. Smartsheet PLEASE RESPOND !!

  • Amanda Winter

    Hello All,

    My account Exec just sent us this:

    Sheet Scale

    We are working on a few scale related items this year, including increasing the row limit from 20,000 to 100,000+ rows. We haven't been given a specific timeline, but have been told that the goal is by the end of our fiscal year (Jan 2025) should nothing unforseen come up.

    So hopefully this timeline finds no issues!

    Amanda Winter (Noe)

    CTMS Database Administrator

    Sutter Health Office of Clinical Research

  • hazkevi

    January 2025 is an absolute joke. Per my account rep in February '24: "rolling out in phases starting toward end of middle of year". FYI my company uses Smartsheet heavily with thousands of licensed users + premium apps, and that's the best support we can get.

  • Adrian Mandile CHESS
    Adrian Mandile CHESS ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Genevieve P. , @Bob Fraser,

    Any latest timing on this? The announcement was made with huge fanfare at ENGAGE last September and demonstrated by Product Dev team last November. It's now May, and we haven't had ANY further updates about the size improvements. Just some official idea of when would be fine, so that we can plan to hold out with the current limits, plan for re-architecting (or moving to other) solutions, and at least communicate to our end users.

    I would even like to see more than 5 million cells (ambitious, I know!), because with 100 columns that's still only 50,000 rows – not a huge number of records for an enterprise, compared to other database solutions.

    Will there be a related increase in Data Table size from 2 million records/rows? Or will they begin to resemble each other size-wise – just without the formulas, formatting, etc.?

  • WyattMartinDale

    Jan 2025 is honestly not reasonable. I am now working on moving projects out of Smartsheet and back to excel because we cannot get definite answers on when this will be implemented.

    If any enhancements needs to be move to the forefront it is this one.

    Smartsheet cannot be considered an enterprise level software without this kind of scale.

  • Michael Foster
    Michael Foster ✭✭✭✭

    We are having the same issues with trying to take Smartsheet to enterprise level and displaying true capabilities. 20k doesn't cut it and it becomes hard to argue the point on why smartsheet vs other systems and dare I say MS Project for Operations. Smartsheet please give us the time frame and make it soon, data sets are big and we can't manage across multiple worksheets or shouldn't have to.