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  • ✭✭✭✭

    Grid view for life! Currently being use for our team's position control process - a process moved away from Excel (burdensome) to Smartsheet (reliable, automation, and user friendly)

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    I love Grid View (and sometimes Board View). Grid is my favorite because I like the linear way to view each project. However, I believe board view can present an easier to understand view for supervisors who may not have a full understanding of your sheet.

  • Community Champion

    Grid is the most useful - and I don't think any of the others would be nearly as beneficial without it.


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  • Community Champion

    On second though, BOARD VIEW is my favourite! Card view was great but Board view is an amazing level up!

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Timeline view to get the big picture and manage the details all in one place

    timeline view is like a big, organized list that shows you what needs to be done and when.

    1. See the Plan: It helps you see all the steps of a project in order, like a to-do list but with dates.
    2. Stay on Track: You can see if you’re doing things on time or need to catch up.
    3. Clear Roles: It shows who needs to do what and when, so everyone knows their part.
    4. Adjust Easily: If things change, you can move things around easily to keep everything in order.

    So, it’s like having a map that helps you keep everything organized and on schedule!

  • I use Grid the most and I like Board view. I'm trying to convince database users that Board view is the easiest way to work with Ticketing portals in Smartsheet. Hopefully I'll be able to do that someday :-)

  • Overachievers

    Grid for me.

    As it underpins all other views and getting the grid view right will make the other views more useful.

    Paul McGuinness
    Central Operations Manager at Care UK

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  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Definitely Grid View for me, I consider it home base even when I set another view as the default. I just work with too many formulas & hidden columns for any other view to beat it. However Timeline is definitely second place for me!

  • My most favorite is using the GRID VIEW. It is clean, easy to use, and concise.

  • ✭✭✭

    Grid view followed closely by Gantt and then a drop off to Card. Grid really drives project plan setup for us where as Gantt is more critical path based. Card is helpful for the resource management but if I had to only keep one it would be Grid.

  • ✭✭✭

    I have to agree with other Project Managers where its hard to say which view you fall into when I feel like we use all of them. I feel like I live in Grid view most of the time when trying to map and capture efforts on a project. But since the roll out of Timeline view I feel like as a PM my life has been changed by Smartsheet yet again! I have had to use other timeline apps and struggled to keep them accurate and up to date with my project plans in Smartsheet… I change and make updates and then have to go into a separate system to update a timeline….. Not efficient at all! Now timeline view has allowed me to keep everything in one source and one place of truth to where I am operating much more efficiently and effectively. When I update my plan everything remains linked and updates all together.

    Other days when connecting with the IT and Software teams I am using the Gantt View and Board view more as it best suits and aligns to how they like to see and display their efforts and projects. And then being able to use Calendar view when trying to map and understand my resources and allocations across projects and determining deadlines.

    I just think depending on the team, the project, the needs you have to be able to have flexibility in how to capture and present data and Smartsheet allows us to do that when and how we need to!

  • ✭✭✭

    I usually stick with the timeline view- nice visual of how my tasks look on a calendar but plenty of details.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    I am definitely GRID view gang. I use grid view all of the time to organize data and to send forms to team members to add their status updates.

    I often then use reports to concatenate updates from multiple sheets. Then I send the report to Power BI for a more detailed analysis.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm a Grid view girlie! It is just the easiest for my brain to understand. I utilize reports and dashboards if additional views are needed or to present the data in a more visually pleasing way.

  • Overachievers

    I definitely a Grid View person due to the amount of columns required to automate processes, BUT Board view is extremely helpful for getting the 'bigger picture' view that is so important (especially when you have sheets that are at the 400 column mark)

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