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September Question of the Month - Join the conversation and receive a badge



  • Early afternoon, especially once everyone has left the office for the day. The sudden peace and quiet, knowing I won't be interrupted.

  • ✭✭

    The sweet spot for my (admittedly easily distracted) brain is usually midday, from 10-3 ish. And location-wise, I'm not fussy as long as I have quiet. Voices, background noises, anything like that will distract me the second my brain finishes a thought :)

    And caffeine helps too!

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Ohhhh 😁 mornings it's where the magic happens. While waking up early to get going can be rouhg I appreciate getting up and hitting the ground running although I can crash after lunch if it's warm. But yes most often I appreciate the early time to get stuff checked off my list and accomplished.

    Senior Program Coordinator

    De Anza College

  • My best ideas come early morning - 4ish to about 10am and then again after 2:00pm until about 9. Between 10 and 2 I'm usually working on things that don't require a ton of brainpower.

    Robin ML Johnson
    Change Leadership Advisor
    Change Management | Change Readiness | Business Process Improvement | Emotional Intelligence

  • I am the same for all of the same reasons. 🙂

    Robin ML Johnson
    Change Leadership Advisor
    Change Management | Change Readiness | Business Process Improvement | Emotional Intelligence

  • My mind works best when I am comfortable, away from distractions, and in a spot with multiple screens. Typically mid morning once I have cooled down from my morning workout, have sorted through my emails, been able to collaborate with my co-workers, and have been able to get a good priority to-do list for the remainder of the day.

  • ✭✭

    I work best first thing in the morning at home! This is when I feel the most intuitive with my thoughts and work aligning. I love low lighting and a cup of coffee with a candle while I begin to assess the work I have ahead of me. I find it is easiest for me to look at my tasks that need to be completed with fresh eyes first thing. Once I am able to set my course for the day, I plan it out accordingly!

  • ✭✭✭✭

    I would definitely say in the morning when I can be free of distractions. Also driving in to work. I've had a lot of time to really work out some mental blocks during my commute.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    What an interesting question. Sometimes I am sharpest late morning right before lunch. If I have a large project I am working on and get stuck, I work through it while doing something creative. I love to garden and weeding gives me processing time. I love to sew and working on a short term project opens the creativity. It is amazing what comes to you when you get off the electronics and into a different mode.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    You know the best days for me would be days I was able to find time to move my body (yoga or a quick walk) before I sit down on the computer the rest of the day. I am lucky enough to have coworkers who will check-in throughout the day to ask if I want to join them on a 15-20 minute walk around our campus. I try my best to sneak these in as this allows my brain and system take a break. Meditation sure does help me in the mornings as well.
    Best time to work with me and get me at my best is from 8am - 11am - I do my best work in the mornings!😻

  • ✭✭✭

    My mind tends to work best in the mornings when I can WFH and set up my working environment to best suit my needs - low light or natural light, record playing, coffee, with pets close by.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    I definitely find my mind works better in the morning especially after a coffee. I use the first hour to clear emails, do admin etc but by 10am I'm focused and ready to crack on with my more complex workloads and meetings. I usually sustain this right through until about 3/3:30pm and can then feel myself slowing down. Lesson learnt is I definitely need to take more breaks as I can most probably stay on track longer rather than being so brain drained 🙂

  • Overachievers Alumni

    My mind works best when I am sitting by the pool watching the sunrise, listening to the birds chirp, and drinking a cup of team……pure relaxation and bliss……it allows my mind to slow down……

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