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Remove User Sharing

ker9 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

Smartsheet recently changed what happens when you click "Remove Sharing" from a user you are deactivating or has been deactivated.

Previously, a banner would appear indicating if that person was NOT shared to anything. If they were shared, the banner would say check back later. When you checked back, it would show the user no longer shared to anything.

Currently, the only feedback you get is to check back later. Even 24 hours later, it says check back later. Now you have to download a sheet access report to confirm the user is not shared to anything. If they aren't shared, you get an empty excel file. Incredible waste of time.

Bring back the banner showing not shared or automatically remove sharing upon removing the user from the account.

(Not a problem if you remove 1 user occasionally, we might add and then remove 40+ interns at a time.)

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