Data Shuttle inconsistencies in updates

Hello, everyone.

We've been working with support but I wanted to get a feel on what other users are finding. Does anyone else find inconsistencies in their Data Shuttle updates? It's been suggested to us that we need to try smaller batches that what we're needing but even with that we're finding that things like mapping and unmapping seems to be at a whim. We'll update mapping and then it will for unknown reasons become unmapped on it's own. But then will be remapped again without any effort on our part. It's a bit disconcerting and I'm wondering how many other people had noticed this issue.



  • Michelle Choate 2
    Michelle Choate 2 Community Champion

    Data shuttle usually encounters errors like what you are describing when columns are renamed. But what you are suggesting is that this is not the case. It sounds like you may want to open a case with support so that they are aware of these technical issues that you are experiencing.

    I have had the unmapping issue only when I added a bunch of columns and renamed columns. Or when the excel that I was feeding into Smartsheet had its source column names changed.

    Michelle Choate

    Always happy to walk through any project you need help with! Book time with me here: