Would really like this option. As we don't have a database feature (I don't see data table as one) so having this functionality would be very helpful.
I read through this discussion that goes back 2 1/2 years and didn't really see a solution to my issue. I have a very simple form and intake sheet. In the form, I want users to select one (or more) of five Category options in a dropdown, and based on their selections, another question should appear with the relevant Subcategories (there are about 50 total) associated with the main Categories.
Right now I don't see a way to filter the list of Subcategories so all 50 don't display in the second question.
Put another way, I have Categories A, B, C, D, E. If a user selects A, I only want Subcategories A1–A10 to appear in the next question's dropdown, NOT A1–A10, B1–10, C1–10, D1–10, & E1–10.
How do I accomplish this please?
Hi @GarrettH
You might want to check out the SmartForm solution in the link below as a potential workaround for your request.
Gia Thinh Technology - Smartsheet Solution Partner.
Email : thinh.huynh@giathinh.tech
Yes, please!!
Recently signed on with SmartSheet and love the platform and its versatility but was shocked that dynamic pulldown capability did not exist. It's a huge miss and one that is absolutely needed to maintain some degree of data integrity. It appears to have been discussed for literally years…..is it on the roadmap, being considered? Are there alternatives in the meantime…..without having to spend additionally on some SmartSheet premium app?
Would love to have this feature! Our staff does hourly level time tracking in Smartsheet and one time entry alone could have up to 5 category selections so giving them a limited list to select from based off the very first category selection would be a huge timesaver and really help our team.
Yes, please!!
This would be nice, especially if the new items would appear separately and require an Admin to confirm their addition to the master list for that column.
Or provide the option to auto add to the list.
I feel like this falls under the expectation of Smartsheet as a title. Without smart drop down lists you are back to manual entry where multiple cross linked sheets are used - I am pulling together an organisational database with inbuilt roles and responsibilities that it would preferably driven from multiple entry drop down lists that can be filtered dependent on what role they have otherwise you have one very large list that is fairly unwieldy. Please roll out this feature. Thanks in advance.
We have one sheet (our project intake list with form) with a list of projects and includes project title, project manager assigned, start dates, end dates, project status, etc. that is updated often and will include new projects as well as status of any in progress or completed projects. We have another sheet/form that we use for Project/PM Surveys that we have to manually add/remove projects and project manager names on depending on if they are new or completed. It would be nice for that sheet/form to be auto-updated based on logic/criteria from our project list sheet so we don't have to manually update the sheet/form for the surveys.
dynamic dropdown request is as old as the hills and gets completely ignored by the smartsheet development team.
to my knowledge this is only available through 3rd party app, or through really "machine level" python code which is quite customized.
in my company , some really sharp guys came up with the python solution for their problem. I was not remotely smart enough to port this.
I am using an external 3rd party smartsheet app called DynamicDropDownupdate for Smartsheet, in which you can setup relationships between source sheet columnns becoming target sheet dropdown menues. This works quite well, and I am suing it extensively. The problem is that this is to the best of my understanding a macro that periodically (every minute ?? no idea) checks your source sheet for changes and then applies the changes to the target. SO this requires reloading/refreshing source and target sheets periodically, and it is nowhere near realtime. I guess you could setup up cascading menues, but for sure the update time delay kill the usefulness of using this macro fro this application.
However overall the app is heavensent, without this the dropdown menu update is such a collossal PITA and such an errorprone manual operation that I would have long returned to Excel (where none of this is problem).
Again, this feature would elevate Smartsheet from a pretty website to a really useful tool. Developers, please take note.
Hey everyone,
I’m James from the Product team, and I want to sincerely thank you all for keeping this conversation going over the years. Your feedback is invaluable, and I want to assure you that we hear you—we’re actively planning and working hard to bring dynamic dropdowns to you as soon as possible in the new Table View.
In the meantime, I’d love the opportunity to connect with some of you to better understand how the absence of dynamic dropdowns has impacted your workflows in Smartsheet and how you envision using them. Your insights will help us shape the best possible solution.
My email is james.lee@smartsheet.com if you would like to get in touch.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
Yes! I've been going a little crazy trying to figure this out. Is appears that Smartsheets cannot perform this task. There is a 3rd party that can do this, but it costs $. It's a shame Smartsheets doesn't have this feature built into the package.