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Allowing users to only add a row to a sheet and view only those rows

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

New to Smartsheet and hoping this may be a simple question....


I want to be able to create a sheet that anyone in my company can access, but with the following permission groups:


1. Admin (full access)

2.Edit rights (limited to specific users, columns and rows)

3. View rights (limited to specific users, columns and rows)

4. Ability to add a row to the sheet, but not view any other content other than rows they started.  This user should also be able to share that row with others that they choose.


I believe 1, 2 and 3 are in place with SmartSheet immediately.  Can someone help me see if there is a way to do number 4?  




  • 1, 2, and 3 are possible right now with normal sharing permissions. 


    4 is not. Smartsheet does not have that granular of sharing levels at the moment. I think there was some talk about allowing users to share only part of sheets in the future. 


    You could always send update requests which will enable you to send a single row or group of rows to anyone via email. The recipient can view and edit the sent rows but wont have access to any other part of the sheet. This is a one time view/edit though. You can set these to send on a recurring basis. 

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