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Feature Request - Auto format for ranges

Brad Jones
Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

It would be extremely convenient if we could set our autoformatting rules for a Row, a range, or even the whole sheet, instead of just one column at a time as is the current configuration.



I have 15 columns that I would like to apply the same 6 formatting rules to.  Currently, that means that I have to define 90 individual rules in the conditional formatting toolbar!!!  That is extremely heavy.  

If I could set a range of cells in the autoformatting toolbar to apply the rules to, then this would mean that I only have to define 6 individual rules.  That would reduce the load by a factor of 15x!!


It would also be good if we could clone a group of rules at the same time.  Currently, you can only clone one rule at a time.  Based on current functionality, if I have the same 6 rules for all 15 columns, then I have to do the clone process 85 times.


Please look into this and decrease the undue workload needed for those of us who use conditional formatting on our sheets... which I think is a great deal of the SS populace.


UPDATE - Having 90+ conditional rules applied to your sheet really slows it down as well Frown


UPDATE - I had to delete 60% of the rows in my sheet because they slowed the system down too much.  I have 25 columns by 350 rows with 90 rules and several formulas.  Zero links.  It is still really slow to load.  It takes it an average of 10seconds for the screen to catch up with all of the formatting rules.  Really wish I knew a method to speed them up, even if it's just reordering the rules.  If  I knew they were applied in a certain order, then I could arrange them in that order.



  • KrisWalsh
    KrisWalsh ✭✭✭✭✭

    You've got my vote!

    I have 130+ Conditional Formatting rules in one of my solutions. This would reduce that number by 99.

    Conditional Formatting - Range.png

  • Dietrich Koch
    Dietrich Koch ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/04/16





    How did you make these large screenshots of the conditional formatting popup??


    Since its currently not possible to print/export Sights I'm still looking for a tool to make screenshots of Sights larger than the screen. All the tools I found were able to make a snapshot of a complete html page, but Sights are scrolling within a Smartsheet-frame not within the browser page...


    I just tried to enlarge the popup for conditional formatting the way both of you did, but I could not get it larger than the "bottom" of the sreen.


    Or did you just skip your monitor? Smile




  • Kennedy Stomps

    Hi Brad and Kris-- Thanks for this feedback and for sharing those captures of your existing formatting rules! I've included a link to this post in the enhancement requests I filed on your behalf so our Product and Development teams can see how big of an impact this would have on your work. 

  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @ Dietrich,


    I use a vertical monitor next to my primary monitor.  In addition, I zoomed out of the screen to capture as much as possible.  ("Ctrl" + "-" keys)

  • Dietrich Koch
    Dietrich Koch ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    ah ok that works - good tip also for the printing problem with Sights.

    Have to check it.




  • KrisWalsh
    KrisWalsh ✭✭✭✭✭

    I also have a vertical monitor (in portrait mode) and use SnagIt.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for the Update on slowness Brad - that was the first question I was going to ask. I've significantly cut back on conditional formatting and nested formulas.

    The recent release was touted as helping, but I've not seen a change unless it is to make it worse (that's the feedback I get from my customers too)



  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    BUMPing this thread.
    Don't want you guys to forget.
    It's still very labor intensive to set up autoformatting one column at a time.


    It's still very resource intensive on your system if I have to set 135 formatting rules for a sheet.  Slows it down noticeably.

  • KrisWalsh
    KrisWalsh ✭✭✭✭✭

    Bump!  I'm in the same boat as Brad!

    PLEASE up the priority on this one!  TY!

  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Amen.  If you have 4 conditional formats, and 17 columns.... ouch.

This discussion has been closed.