Mobile view for Dynamic View?

Sarah Bird
Sarah Bird ✭✭✭
edited 06/14/22 in Add Ons and Integrations


Can dynamic views be accessed on smartphones/mobile devices? I don't see this option on the app.

Best Answer


  • Has the Dynamic view become a possibility for mobile phones yet i see the last update to this post was almost 4 years ago.

  • RC_SG
    RC_SG ✭✭
    edited 12/06/23

    I too am curious about the status of this.

    I apologize for the brashness, but I am growing to loath the "Please submit an enhancement request" copy/paste PR response. The fact that it is such a common response to 90% of the questions I am searching for, and the topics all go back in multitudes of multiple years, it's obvious that these Enhancement Requests go unanswered.

    I think personally I would love to see a page and/or roadmap to see how many of these "Enhancement Requests" actually get seen by real people and acted upon and not just thrown to an unmanaged email address as it very obviously seems to be.

  • Hi @RC_SG

    Dynamic View can be accessed in a mobile device when it's added as a page in a Workapp, here's more information: Add pages to your WorkApp

    The link above to submit feature requests is still active, however since 2020 we have a different way to submit your ideas as well - the Product Ideas section here in the Community. The Ideas here can be upvoted to show popularity, and the top requests each month receive a public status update to identify if the request is on our roadmap. Here's a direct link to the filtered list of Roadmap items.

    You can also keep up to date with each release by subscribing to the Release Notes.



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