A report that lists all users and the groups they are in or a report from each group listing the members with EMAIL address (critical to have email address). Example use: check employee list against group list to determine who is missing and/or who should not be in the group.
I would also like this, it is difficult to manage group and user management in separate screens. Would be easier if you could export all the information.
I've added my vote to this idea. It's an excellent suggestion.
Josh Garcia|josh@zebracs.com
Zebra Consulting Services🦓ZebraCS.com
I am just starting to set up Smartsheet and am finding the Group Management difficult to manage/understand. In order to scale this, I really need to be able to see who is in a group and also get a report. +1 to this idea!!
Totally agree. Even the group list that appears under Group Management isn't sorted so it's impossible to compare two lists. I have 181 people in a group that should have 185. Only method to find the 4 that are missing is brute force. At the very least I should be able to download the group list and then sort it for much easier comparison.
Yes please. I ran into this today. Needed to ensure someone had access, then got to thinking I better check no one was missed in this Group from previous workforce attrition. Manual steps got it done, but could be way cleaner.
Having a sortable list in the UI would be great too. It appears to add the latest additions to the bottom, if that's the case it would be nice to have a date associated with them to see when someone was added.
I struggle with this list of names sortation with Contact List columns on sheets as well, hard to know who might be missing or to find someone to remove, lots of scrolling.
Help me Smartsheet Developers, you're my only hope.
I agree this is a great idea. What good is your information if it cannot be exported???
Sherry Fox
Business Process Analyst 3 | C5ISR Group
HII | Mission Technologies
EAP | Mobilizer | Automagician | Superstar | Community Champion
Original Smartsheet Profile: @Sherry Fox
Adding my voice in support of this feature.
Josh Garcia|josh@zebracs.com
Zebra Consulting Services🦓ZebraCS.com
Adding my vote to being able to sort the group list or being able to auto-update via API. This process is extremely manual.
Darla Brown
What you meditate on, you empower!
Overachiever - Core Product Certified - Mobilizer - EAP
Difficult to believe we still don't have the ability to download a list of group members, sort group members, etc.
I have a group with 51 members and I can't get a simple list of the names/emails in the group.
Another option is User list containing the groups each person is in.
I would love to manage all this data in one place, like the user list, where you could then upload the data into Smartsheet.
Adding my vote here... but in addition to the reporting capability, I would like to see access to the group list in sheets using a formula or similar, like:
ISINGROUP(group name, test name)
Currently setting up a help desk support dashboard, and it would be useful to be able to list on the dashboard all the help desk support team. Easier to pull it from the group data than manage both lists.
I would like this feature as well, you can't even sort users in alphabetical order under group mgmt which makes it difficult to cross check lists
Can we PLEASE get this functionality? I have never in my life managed a system that had such limited User reporting. What is the value in adding people to groups if there's ZERO scaleable way to view & keep track of who is in which group???
Amazing that we can't have this simple but critical functionality. Requested 3 years ago. Basic administrative function for system/group admins.