Document Generator Quit Working
My document generator on 2 of my sheets just stopped inputting the data into the PDF forms. It will name the file correctly using one of the data fields but won't put the data in the file anymore. I remade my form and the automation like 10 times! The file is small, sticker size 2.25 x 1 and has a barcode font on it. This…
Is it possible to schedule send an Excel attachment with collapsed groups?
I'm trying to send an Excel attachment once per month from a row report that includes collapsed groups, but when the recipient downloads the attachment, the groups aren't collapsed like they appear on the live report. The data needs to be subtotaled by cost center - which could change every month, so a summary report is…
"Attachments" Needs Folder Capability
I have a need to upload many photos, sometimes over a hundred, to every line on a sheet, but the lack of the "Attachments" feature to allow for folders forces us to upload these files to the "Proofs" feature. Unfortunately, this can be a lengthy process in uploading and subsequently in just trying to open the proofs. It's…
Can we create a folder structure for storing project related files?
Hi, I'm looking for a way to organize project files (Word documents, images, etc.) within Smartsheet. I have tried using the file library and attachment options, but it seems they only store files at the workgroup level and no option to organize in a folder way. Is there a feature or workaround to create a folder structure…
Hide Attachments and Comments on Reports within WorksApps
We have some internal sensitive data saved as attachments that we do not want our clients to see. I have hidden the Attachments and Comments Column on the Reports and saved them as View Only within WorkApps. However, the users can still view the attachment even though I have hidden the Attachment column, by right clicking…
Take Photos in Form with Tablets
We use Surface Pro's in my department for tracing areas to ensure compliance. When we complete our form (and we do several during our walkthrough), Smartsheet will not allow us to take a photo directly through the File Upload option so the photo will be submitted to the sheet like it does when using our phones or iPad.…
Trouble Opening a PDF Attachment
Hello, I have a PDF document attached to a row, and when I click on it to open, I get a link to get Adobe Reader, even though I already have it on my computer. Is there a way to get Smartsheet not to do this?
Control Center - include Intake sheet attachment
I've set up a blueprint and want to include attachments that are submitted on the Intake sheet to pull over to a sheet within the template folder. I've included "Intake attachments" from the "Intake Settings", however the attachments are not pulling over once the auto provisioning is complete.
Attachments - user tracking
Hi everyone, We are currently using SS to keep a record of our standard operational procedures, attaching the latest updated version per parental row and indicating which users are trained in the nested ones (manual input). I was wondering if there is a way that we could: 1- Track which users open the attachments, which…
Preview all files and attachments: Excel, word, etc
Idea - Opening a preview of an Excel file (similar to the current PDF previews) when it is an attachment on a row in my Smartsheet. Example from my work - I really would appreciate the ability to preview Excel sheets so we can tell if the document submitted is our new Fiscal Year 24 form or the "old" fiscal year forms that…