Shared User Removed... By Terminated Employee??
This morning I received a note that a shared user was removed by that same shared user. Clayton Harris was terminated a few weeks ago, but it says he removed himself from this specific sheet. Very alarming! His SSO account was deactivated. It looks like he still had access! In the Activity Log, you can see our head of…
Best practice sharing of links to forms
Hi I am ready to share several Smartsheet forms with my entire organisation (and some external consultants) - currently less than a dozen people - but growing quickly. I am currently the only licenced Smartsheet user. I only want to share the links to the forms, not their respective sheets, to the entire organisation. I am…
Workflow Approval
Being new to smartsheet but an experienced systems developer I had set up a multi person approval for capital requests in smart sheet. It was quite ugly and ungainly and smartsheet was lacking features I have used in other systems. So I was very please to see the workflow approval functionality released which goes someway…
Open shared sheet from email message in the app, not the browser?
I'm wondering if there's a way for me to receive an email from a colleague where they ask me to view/update/edit a sheet, click on the 'Open in Smartsheet' button, and have it open in the Smartsheet desktop app - NOT in my web browser? I like to work exclusively in the app, and it's extra steps to close out of the browser…
Linking Cells and then Sorting Source Sheet
I am working on creating a master list of events, that pulls data from 2 source sheets. I worked out the linking, but when the source sheets are re-sorted it messes up my links on the destination "master list". Is there a way around this? The source sheets are not able to remain static pages and will be used and updated…
Project intake
Hi For our project- and programmanagement, we want to make use of the template set 'project intake'. We already created an 'intake form' whereby projectleaders can submit their project proposals. Is it possible to share this form with possible projectleaders without giving them acces to the project intake sheet in which…
Exporting Sheet Content into a Formatted View
We have a Smartsheet that is being populated from a webform that is collecting scholarship submissions. We want to provide a summary page for each application that includes the questions and answers. So if the sheet has 10 rows (applicants), we want to generate 10 different summary sheets in a view that is easy to read.…
Tracking Data / Shared Sheet
Hi! I'm really enjoying Smartsheet and glad we decided to go down the path of subscribing. While I was getting certified I found so many neat features and my mind just filled with all the things I could probably use various aspects of Smartsheet to accomplish. I ran into a limitation in my own scope that I'm sure…
Is there a limit to the number of users you can share a sheet to?
Is there a limit to the number of users you can share a sheet to? My sheet seems to not let me share any additional users beyond the ~175 or so people I have now.
need a function to set permission to one cell,or one column
need a function in smartsheet to set permission to one cell,or one column, it means, the viewers can view most of the datas in the sheet,but one or two cells,one or two columns,take the classified column within revenue for example, the datas inside of this classified column just can be viewed by owner and admins, the…