Automation: When there is a change and the field already has a vaule
Looking to send a notificaiton if a date field changes, but not if it was already blank before the change. Basically I want to send a notification when the date changes, but not when the date is first assigned. Anyone know how to do this?
Trying to increment a value by 1 each day, based on a specific status. - GOV
Each day that a row is in an 'In Progress" status, I want to increment a counter to determine the # of days in progress. So far I have tried an automation that runs daily and filters based on the condition. But I am not finding a way to add 1 to the counter. I have thought about doing a function but can't find a suitable…
Bridge examples including Javascript
Hi fellow Smartsheeters! In preparation for my session at Engage 2024, The future of workflows, I'm posting a variety of live Bridge examples to this thread. Each "block" will have a use case description, workflow layout, and (if needed) the javascript code I used. Enjoy!
Form not auto populating fields if one column cell contains a comma
I'm using a form that when triggered, populates several fields from a source sheet then posts to a another sheet. I've noticed that if the column titled "Description" has a comma in the text of a cell, such as image 1 below, then the form will not auto populate all of the fields that I want. It will also stop populating…
The smartsheet to copy rows to when setting up automation doesn't show up in search
I'm trying to set up an automation to copy rows of a smartsheet into another one with only one trigger and condition. I get to the end to select a smartsheet to copy the rows to and the smartsheet will not come up in the search. I'm set up as admin for both sheets and the new smartsheet I'm copying to was set up last week…
Is it possible to automate delivery of a form when a user adds a specific type of row to a sheet?
We have a list of "tactics" (dropdown list, single selection) and if one particular tactic is chosen, a workflow is set up to notify five users so they can prepare for required work on their end. Let's call the tactic "launch". There are additional pieces of information required once a launch is scheduled, and I am…
Adding Attachments to a specific row via Email
I am wondering if there is a way to send an email that would be connected to a specific sheet and a specific row for file attachments. I know other PM systems will allow you to send an email to a specific project and task that will add the attachments to that specific project or task. Is this possible? If so, how does one…
Document Mapping Word Doc
Hello - It looks like I can only use DocuSign or Adobe for document mapping. Is there a work around to get the document into a word doc?
How to populate duplicate numbers into sheet?
Hello, I have one main sheet that tracks all incoming DRR #'s and every row has a couple of names in it. I want to build another sheet that tracks names based on the DRR # but want it to populate in different rows, like below. So two people are on 0001 while in the main sheet that would only be one row
Improved filter on automation
Hi Smartsheet, I'd like additional optional filters in sheet automations. Examples: filter by notifications, filter by document actions, filter by sheet changes, etc. Looking for to receiving this update soon Thanks! Eric