In the automation email notification, is there a way to edit who the email came from?
For example, is there a way to edit the name Bill Sjolinder so it's from a different name or general name? Bill Sjolinder had created this smartsheet form and shared it to me. He transferred me ownership and still an admin.
help with formula's
hello new to smartsheets. i am looking to make a V lookup that will crosslookup on 2 sheet to tell me if it is on that sheet or not. this is what i come up with so far. =IFERROR(IF(ISBLANK($[Cable Name]@row), VLOOKUP($[Cable Name]@row, {K2 Power/Motor Cable List Tracker Range 1}, 1, false)) Motor, 0) I would like it to say…
how to check a checkbox automatically when all predecessor are met and change date to today date
Hi! I am creating a project where there a lot of tasks and predecessors. I created a box check column and would like to put a formula where when a row have all their predecessors statue to complete, the box check is checked. And in that same row, the date in one of the cell change to today date. How should I go about to…
Workflow Automation Separate Conditions w/ alerts
Hi, I am trying to figure out how to create one workflow where based on the dropdown value selected, it would send the appropriate alert. Example Stakeholder decision (Options - Approved, Denied, Deferred) If you select one of the three options within the dropdown, it was alert users with the appropriate email…
Update the cell value by 1 on the 1st of every month
Hi, I want to update the cell value by 1 on the 1st of every month. Suppose the current value of my Earned Leave Column is 10, on the 1st of every month I want to increment it by 1.
lookup in smartsheet within a zapier flow
Does anyone know how to do a lookup in smartsheet within a Zapier flow? Something similar to a Google Sheet lookup functionality?
Sending automation (alert) including an attachement
Hi, I have row with either one or two PDFs attached that the document builder just created based on the data from the row. I'd like to add an automated trigger to send the attachments to the user (contact in a column). Is there a way to just include the attachments in an alert email? Thanks, Zsolt
Calculation within IF statement
Hello, I have a column formula that calculates the number of days between a ticket request and the completion date. I want the rows that do not yet have a completion date to be blank instead of "#INVALID DATA TYPE" and I tried to use to IF statement to do that - If completion date is blank, leave the cell blank, otherwise…
Formula for Referencing Cell Above Current Cell?
I have created this Smartsheet, where my team can record orders raised each month. This would then link to a dashboard (which would have to update automatically each month) to show monthly statistics regarding the orders from that month. This is what It currently looks like. Each month is child of its year and the orders…