Sheet no longer updating Google calendar and Alerts no longer going out to email
Any chance that there is a system issue going on? This feature went sporadic on my account and now none of my alerts work, and despite republishing to google calendar, nothing is pushing out from Smartsheet. Any chance there is a system issue?
Reminders based on multiple criteria
Hi, The only trigger available is based on dates which is fine but I need to add a condition such as "unless item closed". Do you know of a way I can achieve this, first of all is it a feature available? Thanks,
Can notifciations be turned off and then back on later?
If I set up notifications can I turn them off and turn them back on later? Or do I have to delete them all and then recreate when I want to use them again?
Edit Row in Smartsheets - at top of eMail, not bottom
Please move the Edit Row in Smartsheets button to the top of the email (or give the admin the option to change the email template :) Behavior: When 'Sending a Row' - an email is received by the identified intended recipeint(s) Subject: Quick Update: <Task> body of message bottom of message 'button' EDIT ROW IN SMARTSHEETS…
Smartsheet Directory
I made a directory listing all of our smartsheets with a brief discription of the sheet. I made the name of the SS a hyperlink that takes you to that SS. I then shared the directory with my office. My problem is if there is a sheet someone in my office wants to access but the sheet has not been shared with them then I want…
Web Form - Weekly Project Updates
Is there a way to create a WebForm that would allow my Project managers to do Weekly updates on each "sheet" or project? If so, Can that information be placed in a central point? It appears I can only create a webform that update to a row in a sheet? Any thoughts, advice or comments would be appreciated. Sincerely, Scott S.
Include Parent Row for Email Reminders
First of all, thank you for starting the Smartsheet Community. It's been very helpful. I have a project tracking sheet. Each project has basically the same set of major milestones and target events. I have email reminders set up to notify me when these events will be starting soon. But since the parent row information is…
Notifications by a specific change in a column
Hello, I found the method to setup notifications based on a specific column changing. We have a column with a "task assigned to" label. Is it possible to setup a notification to email only when a specific users name is selected? So I would only get emailed if "Andrew" were filled in that cell? Thanks, Andrew
Alert for RYG's
One person is wanting to be notified when their RYG ball turns green, which means a document they are needing is complete. In the notifications, I can only choose for her to be notified when that column changes for anyone. Is there a formula I can do that will accomplish this? Blessings, Loann