Dropdown Multi select - ~If formula
Hi all, Been searching about this, but could not find anything so far. Hopefully you can help me. I am just starting to make use of the multi select dropdown list. So i have a spreadsheet with some information in the first few columns. Then comes the multi select dropdownlist column. And then, after that there will be a…
Another automate RYG balls for parent based on child
Hi, I have a project plan with multiple levels of children. Currently, the RYG automation is as follows: =IF(Status@row = "Done", "Gray", IF([Due Date]@row > TODAY(+7), "Green", IF(AND([Due Date]@row >= TODAY(+3), [Due Date]@row < TODAY(+7)), "Yellow", IF([Due Date]@row < TODAY(+3), "Red")))) What I want to do is create a…
Trying to Work with the VLOOKUP Function but hitting a wall
I'm attempting to access a separate sheet with some contact details for various clients. On my CLIENT SHEET I have 8 columns: Licensee, Billing Company, Contact, Contact Email, Street, City, State, Zip On my PROJECT SHEET I have various other project details, but one column is also named "licensee". In the Licensee column,…
RAG status formula using TODAY and end date
Hey smartsheet community, any help fixing this RAG status formula? I am trying to automatically show RYGG balls dependant on the end date and today's date. With the exception of cancelled and complete tasks; any task with the end date TODAY or in the future should be green any task up to 3 working days in the past should…
Email as form field and for copy of responses
My organization has just started using Smartsheet and I created my first form. I have a required "Email" field. I also enable the submitter the option to receive a email copy of their submission, which also requires an email. I announced the form and asked for feedback. Immediate and understandable feedback was, "Why do I…
Stacked Bar Chart with Percentages
Hi There! I am trying to track and present progress on key milestones made by multiple countries to share with our donor. I want to be able to show the average percentage completed overall for the milestone, but comprised of that show the individual country-level progress. When I try to stack the bar chart of % complete,…
Combined Calendar Report - Can I Automate Labels?
Hello! I am a Project Manager trying to redesign how my company uses Smartsheet internally, and I'm hoping to use Smartsheet to replace several other tools we currently use. My current goal is to create a Dashboard where an individual on my team can see a calendar of all their tasks for the week or month, with multiple…
Project Health Formula to Auto Populate a Symbol
Hi I have a formula that flags the health of each row (task) via a RAG status. Green is healthy, Amber is at risk or in progress and Red is a failure. This is set up to work off the start date and % complete. However, it just isn't right. The formula is; =IF(OR([% Complete]@row = 1, Start@row > TODAY(7)), "Green",…
Form selection of dropdown list inserts choice with hyperlink
We have a project management Smartsheet where we have about 3 different "standard work" choices - these are selections where the requirements are the same each time. This list may grow later. On our request form, I'd like the user to be able to select from the selection of 3 different "standard work" choices, and in the…