How can I use one sheet to build onto another and still be able to manipulate the data?
I am pretty new to Smartsheet, and my office would like to account for requests using Smartsheet. There are two types of requests: Original and Supplemental. Supplemental requests build onto original requests. Therefore, if someone wants to request the same individual, they will submit a supplemental request because an…
Automation workflow assigning people in a Contact List column - list doesn't match
Hi! Did something change related to contact list columns and assigning contacts in automations? I have used automation workflows before with the "Assign People" action and the "Assign people in [contact list column name] and as far as I can remember, it used to give me a list of the contacts entered into that column (in…
Alert PRIOR to a workflow becoming invalid
Sheet owners and admins should receive an alert PRIOR to a workflow becoming invalid - this would give the owner/admin the opportunity to take action on what will cause the workflow to become invalid and keep workflows moving as designed. An alert will help owners/admins manage things like volume, capacity limits, and the…
Workflow and Solution Mapping
Can the automation workflows be exported into a mapping configuration for documentation and recording purposes? Is there a tool or app that anyone uses for this? Part of our IT process is documentation, and having a way to explain in a visual mapping of all the sheets, reports, workflows, and dashboard components would be…
Workflow set to trigger when row is changed, but is being triggered when a row is added?
I have a form that adds rows to a sheet and I have a flag column in the sheet that looks for certain values in the row and flags when it finds "TBD". SO when someone fills out the form and their data contains "TBD", it checks a flag on that row. Eventually those TBD issues are updated and get resolved in the sheet, thereby…
Is there a way to perform addition to an integer via an automation, workflow, or a formula?
I have a worksheet that tracks yearly tasks for technicians for potential raises or to track areas of focus. The problem: I need to track how many years a technician has met all the yearly checks. If they do then we want to perform add 1 onto their [Years Complete] value. [Current Year Potential] is a basic formula that…
Hello, we have had a workflow working for months now. Today, I went in and noticed this piece is missing. Smartsheet appears to be telling us we have no connections built when we did. What could have deleted those connections (without me help)
Can I use a workflow to add a Funtion into a column based on other columns data?
This idea is to pull text from one column to another; examplet Below Primary Column: Country Names Child Primary Column: Secondary Project Workflow 1: When a new row is added, place formula to pull text from Child row into new column Workflow 2: When new column is added, place formula to pull data from Parent row into new…
Finish Date Static vs Duration Static
Can the Finish date be static and have the start date and duration dynamic? Example: I have Task 1 and Task 2. Task 1 has a duration of 5 days and Task 2 has a duration of 10 days. Task 2 has a dependency on Task 1. But Task 2 has a due date that cannot change. If Task 1 goes over the 5 days by one day, I update the…
Send to Teams Chats as well as Channels
I would love if we could connect workflow notifications to group chats on teams instead of just teams channels. For our company, we use the chats much more than the teams channels.