Show & Tell

Show & Tell

Whether a promotion, Smartsheet solution, best practice or badge - Share, celebrate & cheer on each other!

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  • Employee

    Welcome @dmcdon40!

    Happy to have you join the Smartsheet Community, and this is a great headshot. πŸ˜„

  • Employee

    Welcome to the Smartsheet Community @Vasq89vm πŸ‘‹

    Wishing you the best starting out in your career!

  • ✭
    edited 04/11/24

    Hello My name is Abigail Lackey. I am a senior associate in the Tax Technology department at Baker Tilly. Although I am new to Smartsheet, I find myself using Smartsheets daily now.

    On a personal note, I am a huge coffee lover and I was recently married. My husband and I love to travel and have relaxing weekends finding new coffee shops. We were lucky enough to get tickets to the Era's tour this past year it was incredible.

  • Employee

    Hey @Alackey, happy to welcome you to the Community!

    How fun that you both enjoy exploring new coffee shops, sounds like the perfect weekend activity. Also, love that you got to enjoy the Era's tour, what a great opportunity. 🀩

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    Hi, my name is Isis and I am a Business Analyst at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. My team has been using Smartsheet for a little over year to manage our projects, financial portfolio, and track KPIs. I've completed the Core App and Project Management learnings paths and plan to take the certification exams for both. I hope to master all aspects of Smartsheet in order to improve process efficiencies and build creative solutions for my team.

    Outside of all things Smartsheet, I enjoy watching Anime with my kids.

    Isis Taylor

    πŸŽ“οΈ Core App and Project Management Certified πŸ…

    🌟Peer Connect, Mobilizer, and Early Adopter Program

    Business Analyst Senior

  • Employee

    Welcome @Isis Taylor πŸ‘‹

    I wish you the best on your quest to master all aspects of Smartsheet, the Community is here for any questions you may have along the way! Really curious, do you have any anime recommendations? πŸ‘€

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks @Rebeca S.

    Attack on Titan is an excellent one.

    Isis Taylor

    πŸŽ“οΈ Core App and Project Management Certified πŸ…

    🌟Peer Connect, Mobilizer, and Early Adopter Program

    Business Analyst Senior

  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 04/18/24

    I'm Virginia. I work at the City of San Diego. My favorite use of Smartsheet is to take a multiple-signature-paper-form-routing-around-the-whole-City process and turn it into an automated process that is easy to track and saves time, saves paper, and prevents headaches. Three cats are my fur babies. I believe strongly in lifelong learning, and I have three masters degrees and one law degree. The masters degrees include Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS), Master of Fine Arts in Videogame Production and Design (MFA), as well as Master of Business Administration (MBA). My law degree is an Executive Juris Doctorate (no bar exam). I love sharing Smartsheet with my co-workers all across the City and I appreciate the online community support here for Smartsheet.

    Virginia C. Hire Damrauer

  • ✭✭

    Hey, I am more, a business founder. On hold, Yet to be built-in, From Nigeria. I'm glad to be part of the smartsheet platform community.

  • Employee

    @virgh Love your commitment to learning, and how many different areas you've studied! What are the names of your fur babies? 🐱

    @More1 Welcome, we're happy to have you as a member of the Smartsheet Community!

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks @Rebeca S. Here are names and some fun facts about my fur babies...

    Maya - Age 10 female and runt of the litter, at only 8lb Maya is fully grown. That's tiny for a full grown cat, and she likes to ride on my left shoulder like a pirate's parrot. Maya is afraid of everything, does not like dogs, other cats, or strange noises. She tolerates her sister on a good day, and fears her 'brother' kitty - so much that we have the 2nd bedroom designated as her own private space. Her magic talent is opening doors.

    Mia - Age 10 female, from the same litter as Maya so they are blood-sisters and littermates. Mia weighs in at about 12lb so is an average size kitty. She gets along well with humans and cats, and is naturally curious about dogs. She is fearless and has no aversion to water spray bottles. Her magic talent is flushing the toilet (we never taught her, just saw her doing that on her own).

    Pierre the Kitten - Age 5 male, he is a rescue from a pet store. Poor little Pierre had been 'returned' after being adopted by a woman with too many cats. He had lost weight and fought with the older cats, and therefore was a very submissive 5 month old kitten when we adopted him. At 30lb he doesn't know his own strength. He is a Maine Coon and on the small side for that breed of cat. His magic talent is catching mice (the one year we lived in a nightmare, no more fresh mice for him now).

    I have an Instagram for our fur babies here:

    Virginia C. Hire Damrauer

  • Employee

    Oh @virgh, they are beautiful, loved seeing their cute faces first thing in the morning. 🀩

    Thanks so much for introducing us to your fur babies, they all sound adorable! Love that Maya likes to ride on your shoulder, how fun! Mia sounds so clever and brave, and so glad that you rescued Pierre the Kitten. We have a post for pet pics if your ever want to share.

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    My name is George. I have been with my company for 23 years. I was an early adopter of SmartSheet in our company. I got certified and began training others how to use it. Now we use SmartSheet to run our day to day business and provide customers with valuable insights. SmartSheet is a game changes and I am glad we use this as our primary too now!

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    I'm Yvonne, Sr. Manager L&LD with an HRM org. I work from home and enjoy learning new things that make my life easier!

  • Employee
    edited 04/26/24

    Welcome, welcome πŸ‘‹

    @Prime George Love that you were an early adopter of Smartsheet, and now you get to see everyone using it as your primary tool. Fantastic!

    @ygraham I'm sure you'll learn lots of cool things that'll make your life easier in the Community. 😁

    Happy to have you as part of the Smartsheet Community!

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