January Question of the Month 💭 Join the conversation and receive a badge



  • kelceyg
    kelceyg ✭✭✭✭✭

    My career goal for 2024 is to improve my time management skills. I'm a natural born procrastinator!

    My personal goal for 2024 is to make at least two brand new recipes per month.

  • My goal for 2024 is to deliberately create forward momentum.

    Often, we move and just breath to get the next day. We go to work and just do our jobs and go home and do family stuff. It's like we just do the motions but we are not deliberate in our actions.

    In the new year I am to be deliberate in what I do. When spending time with family, be present, deliberately create moments that matter. When learning a new skill online, be deliberate in taking it in and not just clicking through the videos to get to the next one. When building the new Smartsheet for the team, be deliberate in creating a new solution that works and challenges your skills.

    Deliberately move forward.

  • Cassi
    Cassi ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have a few goals this year.

    1. Spend more time with my son, who is growing WAY too fast! I want to utilize the time I have left with him.
    2. Work on me. I want to learn how to manage anxiety and stress.
    3. Spend more time enjoying life rather than worrying so much.
  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    My goal for 2024 is to finally become a homeowner.

  • TomG
    TomG ✭✭✭✭✭

    My 2024 Smartsheet goal is to implement consistent templates across our team for projects that include project plans, action tracking, test execution tracking, cutovers and their associated reports and dashboards. We're part way there, but need to finish it off and create the new standard for teams going forward.

    My biggest non-Smartsheet 2024 goal is to increase my self-discipline in a few key areas, spiritual disciplines and serving my church, diet and exercise. That and knocking off at least one big rock from my to do list, rebuilding the backyard deck!

  • Jen B.
    Jen B. ✭✭✭✭

    Well, 2024 has already presented plenty of challenges, both personal and professional. I'd like to say that I've calmly maintained my composure, confidently "keeping calm and carrying on"...

    I would LIKE to say that, but I'd be lying.

    A more accurate description would include an exhausting combination of anxiety, panicked inertia, frustration, moody outbursts, stress eating, cynical resignation - you get the point. Throw in the occasional fit of misdirected anger (suffered by unsuspecting and undeserving family members) and the picture is complete. Not my proudest moment.

    Then again, I've lived through worse. Far worse. I'm not fishing for pity, or expecting an award because I survived, or to be excused for behavior unbecoming of a decent human being. I'm reminding myself that life is sometimes messy and painful and difficult - not just for me, but for everyone. No one ever promised that adulting was all sunshine and unicorns.

    And, if given the choice, I wouldn't want ALL sunshine and unicorns. It's all about perspective, really. If I never struggled to stay afloat, never endured the pain, never made bad decisions I later regretted... If I never experienced the lowest of times, how could I genuinely appreciate the joys in life? If I had no regrets, how could I learn to choose wisely?

    Make no mistake, I don't want to be a martyr. And I hate the phrase, "You're stronger/braver than you think." Strength has nothing to do with it. Bravery implies making a conscious choice to face a daunting situation. Martyrs suffer in stoic silence, sacrificing themselves for the benefit of others.

    Not me. I've simply lived to fight another day - because I had to. Kicking, and screaming, and crying... and sometimes, in the end, celebrating.

    So, what's this got to do with my response to January's question of the month, you ask? My goal for 2024 is to be grateful and humble in success, to face failure with grace and introspection, to be kind to myself and to others, and to be mindful that, if the worst really does happen, somewhere within it lies the key to unlock a hidden joy I've yet to experience in this life. One that would otherwise remain sadly undiscovered.

    If I lose sight of this perspective, and I probably will, I hope someone will be kind enough to remind me. (Preferably in the context of, "a wise person once told me..." 😉)

    Happy New Year!

  • Marlana K.
    Marlana K. ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Finished off 2023 with Smartsheet System Administrator Certification. 2024 will bring on the next phase of certification Core App Certification, hopefully my second attendance of Engage. Also, onward and upward to create more Smartsheet Solutions.


    Sr. Business Analysts / Smartsheet Solutions

    National Pharmacy Services | Genoa Healthcare

  • rosegarretson
    rosegarretson ✭✭✭✭

    Every year I start out with a non-New-Year's-resolution. Instead, I pick "My One Word"...something I want to be emblematic of what happens during the year.

    In 2023, it was "Shine", and it's been a great word for a multitude of reasons.

    In 2024, it will be "Build", because things are either growing or devolving. This is an intentional, active, participatory word and frame of mind for 2024. I'm excited!


    Build up others.

    Build projects.

    Build hope, dreams and joy...

    Are you in? It's great to watch it unfold over the months. :-)

  • Kaveri Vipat
    Kaveri Vipat ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    🎉 Welcoming the New Year with joy and excitement!

    In 2024, my focus is on mastering new Smartsheet features to deliver top-notch solutions for the team. Personally, I'm determined to cherish more moments with my family. Here's to a year of growth, learning, and meaningful connections! 🌟 #NewYearGoals #FamilyTime #2024Journey


    Kaveri Vipat

    Senior Associate - Smartsheet Development, Ignatiuz Software

    2023 Core Product Certified

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  • Anjanesh Vaidya
    Anjanesh Vaidya ✭✭✭✭✭

    As an avid user of Smartsheet, my primary goal for the new year is to streamline project management and enhance collaboration by providing excellent solutions in Smartsheet. Learning new things and exploring advanced functionalities.



    Anjanesh Vaidya

    Associate - Smartsheet Development, Ignatiuz Software

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    Anjanesh Vaidya

    Smartsheet Development, Ignatiuz Software

    Did this answer help you? Show some love by marking this answer as "Insightful💡" or "Awesome❤️" and "Vote Up⬆️

  • My focus and goal for 2024 with Smartsheet is to find ways to ideate, innovate, and evangelize the platform solution, without having to refer back to the customer success team. Frankly, to continue to learn and develop for my personal and business acumen.

  • rer9080
    rer9080 ✭✭

    As 2023 came to a close, I delved into learning dashboard creation and successfully crafted a budget dashboard for 2024. Excitedly, my aim for the new year is to develop a PTO/time off dashboard for my team, empowering them to request time off seamlessly. Progressing steadily, I’m already more than halfway towards realizing this vision!

  • DebRichardson
    DebRichardson ✭✭✭✭

    My 2024 goal is to create a Control center for the life cycle of a research grants. From submission to approval to tracking the studies financial, FTE, Issues etc....

    Deborah L. Richardson

    Research Admin Coordinator

    Clinical Trial Office

    Tel (603) 308-9642 | Deborah.l.richardson@hitchcock.org

    Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center

  • Charlene Stacy
    Charlene Stacy ✭✭✭✭✭

    🎉 Setting Goals for 2024! 🌟

    1. 📚 Read 1 Book a Month: 📖 Let's dive into new authors, gain knowledge, and read more. Maybe join a book club.
    2. 🚶‍♂️ Walk 30 Minutes, 5 Times a Week: 🏞️
    3. 🧘 Daily Yoga for 30 Days, Then 3 Times a Week: 🧘‍♀️
    4. 🥦 Reduce Meat, Increase Veggies: 🌽 Explore new plant-based recipes and embrace a greener, healthier diet.
    5. 🍽️ Make Plans with Friends Every 2 Months: 🎉 Whether it's a dinner date, museum exploration, a hike, or just chilling together – stay connected with my friends.
    6. 🤝 Find a Different Volunteer Opportunity, meet new people 🌍 Commit to 60 hours of service.

  • jnev
    jnev ✭✭

    Happy 2024 to everyone in the Smartsheet Community! This year I hope to expand my knowledge and skillset in Smartsheet as I'm still very green. My primary goal is to streamline projects within my small team to increase productivity and efficiency, I believe Smartsheet is just the tool to do that. Here's to a successful year!

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