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[GIVEAWAY] Win 1 seat to a Multi-Day Smartsheet University course



  • I completed an advanced Excel course several years ago and I loved it because there was a segment that focused specifically on the quirky little known features of Excel that you may not know about. I enjoyed it because I learned several new things I still use to this day, and the instructor was so passionate about the content that it rubbed off on the class and everyone was 100% engaged.

  • Advanced data analysis certification and the instructors were the ones that made it great. They added a little competition, which always makes it a good time.

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    One of my favorite courses was a communication course called True Colors. The class provided insight into how you communicate and what your dominant communication style (color) was and helped you gain insight into how others communicate (their dominant colors). Understanding that everyone has a dominant and secondary style helps you understand how to approach others in a meeting or team environment to best communicate and accomplish a goal. Some people like to take their time and must have data to evaluate before making a decision. Using an emotional/people approach isn't the best option when working/communicating with a person with that dominant style. It's been a valuable tool and I've actually created a "my true colors" in my signature line for emails.

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    My favorite class was an Excel class in college. I honestly didn't expect to learn anything because I used Excel daily and thought I was pretty proficient. It turned out to be a fantastic class because we learned so many "secret" tips and tricks that I didn't even know existed. Excel has been one of my favorite tools ever since and I love building in it. That is a lot of what appealed to me about Smartsheet, it's similarities to Excel made it an easy transition for project planning, but there is sooooo much more I'd like to learn about Smartsheet to get even more benefit out of it!

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    One of the best classes I took was a Principles of Marketing class in my senior year of college. We were given a semester-long project wherein we would create a company and product or service to drive marketing behind. We had the same group throughout the project and had a few presentations throughout. By the end of the semester as our final project, we had to provide a comprehensive marketing plan which encompassed all of the previous presentations and materials, as well as additional deliverables which could only be obtained by the end of the project.

    We were required to rate everyone on a scale of 1-6, where nobody could be rated the same number (i.e. someone would be rated 1, someone would be rated 2, etc.) but we weren't comfortable with this at all. I think everyone has had a group project from h3ll before - and this was nowhere near that experience. Everyone pulled their weight, everyone showed up to group meetings, and everyone got their stuff in on time - and if they didn't, they were open and transparent about their plan to get back on track.

    Ultimately, we wrote a Breakfast Club-style letter to our professor detailing why we wanted to grade each of our team members a 6 for the semester - and she agreed! Why was this my favorite? I'm not a great marketer - and frankly, without my group, I would have failed miserably. The group was the best part. To this day, we're all still connected via LinkedIn and it's fun to watch everyone grow in their professional roles even 7 years post-grad.

  • I took a basic nutrition class for fun at my local community college. It was a quick course, just over the summer, and I absolutely loved it! The instructor made learning about macronutrients and vitamins fun with diagrams and acronyms. All these years later I still use what I learned.

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    One of my most enriching learning experiences was during an Excel formulas course. Learning how to manipulate data efficiently through formulas opened up a new world of possibilities for me. The satisfaction of seeing intricate spreadsheets come to life with automated calculations is just cool! That is why I am such a Smartsheet fan!

  • Hello, my name is Abbey Rose (she/they) and I'm a Learning & Development Specialist for a non-profit healthcare organization in California's North Coast. My favorite course I've taken was a 3-day train-the-trainer course for Treating Patients with C.A.R.E. This course is a communication course developed on 20+ years of research on how the communication delivered in the healthcare environment has a direct impact on the patient's health and health outcomes. This was a great course for several reasons, including the content learned, the structure of the course, and the adult learning theory that was applied. In this course I learned how to effectively facilitate, utilize the C.A.R.E. skills as I deliver training content, and received both peer and trainer feedback on how I might be able to improve. The course was delivered virtual-live and included many interactive elements, such as the teaching method of, "I do, we you, you do." I appreciated that the content was targeted toward adult learners and delivered in such a way to feel relevant and important to those learners -- I'm eager to explore more adult learning theory elements in my own career so that I may improve the other trainings I develop and deliver.

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    The courses I think about and refer to the most often are a LinkedIn Learning course on Influencing by John Ullman and Feedback People Can Hear (don't recall the platform). Both had great information and actionable ideas on how to implement. The course on influencing I took along with a direct report so that we could discuss how to use the ideas to improve the direct's relationship with a business partner. The feedback course helped me tailor my communication style to others and clarify my message.

  • One of my favorite courses was the Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Master Course. What made it great was working with others to brainstorm ideas, and using a new application I had never used before called Mural.

  • My favorite course I've taken is a Squarespace course through General Assembly back in 2019. It opened my eyes to web design.

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    I'm fairly new to SmartSheet and so far, it has help me understand, and be more organize with my projects. I would love to get additional training with the project management certification!

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    I honestly have learned so much from all of the support topics and boards where users assist us all in solutions! I am looking forward to an opportunity to attend a U session!

  • My favorite course in recent history was a Scrum Alliance certification course for Scrum Master. This course stood out to me by how different the teaching style was from the rigid lecture format that I'm accustomed to. The instructor lead the class in a multi-day conversation using Miro as the medium for exploring the subject matter. It was highly interactive, well distilled, and easy to comprehend. Beyond learning how to be a Scrum Master, this course provided a master class in how to present information and lead a discussion. Honestly, I got more out of observing the teaching style than the eventual certification itself.

  • During the Fall of 2022, I took an online course from the University of Cambridge entitled Circular Economy and Sustainable Strategies (see attached brochure and my completion certificate).

    This course was highly impactful due to the subject of eliminating waste in our society(ies) and integrating natural capital strategies into each of our businesses and lives for the betterment of sustaining our climate and world/universe. The collaborative approach the Cambridge instructors took was immensely beneficial with 400+ people around the globe participating together and in subgroups to integrate the teachings between ourselves and into our personal approaches to business, etc was amazing.

    I was able to both offer and receive input and outputs to process into my wind farming business focused on repowering older / mature wind farms in the US.

    The course is being offered again in June 2024 and I highly recommend it for all😁.

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